
How many times do you feed a gerbils ?

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I just got a gerbil but i dont know how many times a day to feed or what times ?





  1. fill the bowl half full and replace it every 3-4 days so its not stale (water replace every day)


  3. once every 2 days because they don't eat much or u can just refill there food bowl when its empty.

  4. just refill it when it gets a little empty

    i feed mine every 2nd day

  5. just leave a bowl with their food in their cage, then when it gets low or empty, refill it. i refill mine every other day.

  6. when its half-way full you want to add low-sodium sunflower seeds or any brand of food,because gerbils  tend to eat every once in a while,and if there picky you should refill often

    Ps Depends on how big your bowl is

  7. I feed mine once every three days, because that's how long it takes them to eat a bowl full.


    You work by them. No point throwing good, uneaten food away.


    If they're picky, just leave what they don't eat in there, and they eat it eventually.

    Mine prefer some bits of the food, but I leave it in there until it's all gone. That way, they're getting all they need, not just what they choose.

  8. Un-like rats, gerbil will eat all of their food and store it in their cheeks for later. when his food bowl is empty, you should fill it back up again. But you would do that for any animals though. And as for the times, when you get up in the morning and another at about noon. By 6:00 if they have no food you should give them one more meal.

    Good luck and have fun!

  9. Gerbils won't over eat.

    So, whenever the food bowl is empty, fill it up.

    Usually twice a day.

    Good luck!


    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.¸  

  10. read the packaging as each is different mine says to feed 5- 10g each day per gerbil since i have 2 gerbils i do 5g in the morning and 5 g in the evening and also give them a few snacks during the day, they no when its feeding time lol

    also if u only have one gerbil then thats not great they are very sociable creatures and you have to make sure u keep him happy and always talk to him, we had a single gerbil, he got very lonely sometimes and wasnt nearly as happy as my pair are now

    also treat ur gerbil with some fresh veg once a week peas seem to be favourites and sweetcorn sometimes carrot and broccoli

    happy gerbiling

  11. Well, when the bowl of food is empty .. refill it.

    It's not hard. It doesn't matter what time of day you feed it. Just whenever you see that the bowl is empty, be sure to fill it.

    Also, you may feed your gerbil different types of fruits and vegetables.

    (Carrots, lettuce, apples, grapes etc.)

  12. Gerbils are picky eaters and won't eat all the bits of food in there gerbil mix. So you should aim to fill there bowl once a day until you get into a routine with them. After a while you will get to know what they eat and what they don't. You shouldn't force your gerbil to eat bits it doesn't like, it won't make your gerbil any less picky just miserable. An animal shouldn't have to get Hungary enough to eat stuff it doesn't want to eat. so you should fill the bowl once a day, if theres bits you know the gerbil wont eat  just throw them away. They will usually just kick those bits out into its sawdust anyway.

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