
How many times do you honk/flip per day?

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I'm sad to say, my 2 year old son is constantly saying "honk mommy" and he can flip the bird excellent. I'm not proud of this & it's brough me to realize just how often I do it!

I think our city sucks at driving because I borrowed my dads truck- & I realized within the first 20 minutes that his horn was broken!

How often do you use your horn?

How often do you flip people off?





  1. I use my horn once or twice a day on average. I try really hard not to let myself get angry enough to flip people off, but it happens occasionally, especially if they flip me off first.

    My commute is 50 miles round trip with about five miles through a mjor downtown area in a very large truck. I tend to use my horn because other drivers don't realize how much space I have to have. There are several roads that are simply too narrow, and I can't avoid them.

  2. I average hitting the horn about 4 Times a Day. I do not flip the bird because of all the creeps out there that would overreact and kill you for doing that.

  3. once or twice a year,,,i laugh a lot...30 yr you

  4. I used to do it all the time until I got ticketed for road rage... ridiculous lol, but anyway I've developed a way of doing it with my left hand by my door, so it's hidden and I still feel better lol

  5. i drive a scooter mostly...cuz dad won't let me drive the car alone! but i use the horn quite a lot...mostly am honking a tune, from a song i'm singing. i'm always singing...when no one can hear my room...NO not the bathroom for me, it's too

    sometimes honking just any rythym to p**s people's funny, but it doesn't really come to swearing cuz i drive carefully, and don't speed normally don't get into a situation w/ a jerk who didnt have his eyes on the road...

    lol...your story is funny!

  6. once in a blue moon...when the "other" flips me off, just the human side to me...I try to keep my anger in check..

    especially when our kids are w/ TC/God Bless YOu..;)

  7. Once or twice a year, and normally because there's someone walking down the road and they don't see me. Very VERY rarely out of anger.

    I have never sworn at someone, and when someone did swear at me I was pretty shocked.

    I shouted at a cyclist once, and he heard me and came over so that we could 'talk about our problems'. I explained to him that what he had done was extremely dangerous, and that I was sorry that I'd shouted but it had unnerved me. He apologised for not paying due care, and we both went on our merry way.

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