
How many times do you use a teabag?

by  |  earlier

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i use my yorkshire tea bags once and throw it away but a friend of mine use it two or three times.

isn't that bad?




  1. Just once, the thought of using the same tea bag twice has never even crossed my mind . I have used two tea bags in one cup of tea before though .

    I don' t think it's necessarily bad though , but I wouldn't do it , because I like more flavor .

  2. Just once for me! but my nanna uses hers several times... dunno why. I suppose i just like the freshness of having the first use of it, i dont belive in using them over again. Tea bags are cheap anyway! =)

  3. Due to the price and the availability most people use the tea bags one time and throw them away.

    Lots of countrys have shortages of tea and the cost is alot higher so the people use them as many times possible trying to remove all the flavor they can.

  4. I use it three times

  5. I love teabags!!

  6. use once

  7. ive never heard of it being used more than once before! hmm....

  8. No it not bad the 2de cup is not as strong but stil nice

    I use it 2 times and then i emty the bag on my plants for compost

  9. Never!

  10. Well generally i only use them once, as the flavor will start to fade. I'm not sure if that's affected by different brands but to get the best cup of tea I'd just use it once.

    hope this helps

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