
How many times does a 2 years boy sleep for the rest of a day?

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i had this 2 year old son just want to ask if how may time does my boy sleep for the rest of the it one in the morning and one in the afternoon?please help me out..thanks so much




  1. A two year old might still sleep twice in the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  But soon he will start to give up the morning nap, and sleep only in the afternoon, like after lunch.  His afternoon nap might get a little longer after he gives up his morning nap, or he might get sleepy a little earlier in the evening.

  2. My daughter sleeps from 7 pm to 7 am and then she takes a 1 1/2 hour nap around 11 am.

  3. my son and daughter are 2 and they sleep after lunch. from about 2-3:30/4:30. [depending on our daily plans]

    they are in bed by 8 or 9 but usually dont fall asleep until about 10:00. and usually wake up at about 8:30.

  4. i have a 2 almost three yr old and he naps once a day. the hours vary as they will since some days they are more active then others. just as long as he gets one to two hours he should be fine. there will be days when they wont nap and its ok.

  5. depends on the kid. usually at 2 they have 1 nap after lunch or so.

  6. At 2 years old he should only be taking one nap mid-day around lunch time (noon-2pm) and it shouldn't last more than 2- 2 1/2 hrs.

  7. Many kids stop naps all together at that age.  Both my kids stopped napping just before 2.  Some kids need to nap but at that age, it's only once a day.

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