
How many times does a phd student has to meet his professor in his first year?

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I am an overseas student at exeter university who has a relative at Hastings, is it possible thus to stay at my relative's in the first year of my study?




  1. Hastings - as in, the one in Kent?

    That's a distance of several hundred miles. Why don't you live in Exeter and visit your relative during the holidays? If you're going to be that far away from your university, there seems little point in you being in England at all.

  2. There are reasons other than meetings with your professor why a first year Ph.D. student might be expected to be present at the university. You should discuss this with whomever the director of graduate studies is in the programme to which you have been admitted.

  3. The reason you have a professor is to enable that educator to meet with you and guide you during your last bastion of education, before you become a bore, and prior to your entry into the "have I been published" world of know-it-alls. I saute and commend, by the way, good show!

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