
How many times & for how long does your 9 month old nurse?

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This is my third little one. However, with baby 1 & baby 2 I only breastfed until they were about 3-4 months old. I've made it this far with #3 but since I didn't nurse my others as long (after they began eating baby food/cereal) I wanted some opinions as to whether my little boy is nursing enough and/or getting enough nourishment.

He's 9 1/2 months old & only nurses about 4x a day for @ 5-8 min total. He also has 1-2 servings of baby cereal with breast milk mixed in & 3-4 jars of stage 2 baby food & some finger foods. Does this sound adequate? Thanks for any replies.




  1. Sounds about right...I'm sure he'd let you know if he wasn't getting enough.  At 9 months, mine was nursing 4 or 5 times per day, typically for 10-ish minutes and had solids 3 times per day.

  2. my baby is almost 9 month old but I work so she only nurses twice a day. but she eats baby food and drinks apple juice. it sounds like your baby is getting plenty:)

  3. sounds good, my baby will be 9 months on the 15th and I nurse her 5x a day, at least. sometimes for 5 minutes, sometimes 15. she doesnt eat a certain amount of food a day, just bites of what Im eating, some days i give her baby food, some days i dont

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