
How many times has Obama said- "misspoke","bad choice of words" "out of context" "miss interpreted"?

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Are these all code for, I told a lie and now I'm am lying my way out of it?




  1. too d**n many, and yes.

  2. It doesn't matter. The mainstream media will continue to prop up whatever the flavor of the day is. Mark my words, there are many non-biased journalists contemplating how it is that they are going to suggest that had Obama's withdrawal plan been followed rather than the 'surge' he still opposes in hindsight, things would have actually progressed faster in Iraq and our troops would be marching home in droves right now.

    I am waiting for him to put his own name on the form letter the press has for his positions/affiliations:

    This is not the (policy/position/person) I knew.

    But then again, he can't throw himself under the bus, can he?

  3. exactly one third of the times Bush has

  4. if u know this answer u can count a higher than i

  5. Not as often as McCain who confuses Sunnis and Shiias, doesn't seem to know that Czechoslovakia is no longer a country and mixes up dates regarding the Anbar Awakening and the surge.  McCain's misstatements are substantive.

  6. the difference is Obama attracts thousands of people. McCain gets two reporters meeting him at the airport.

  7. That is a very interesting observation. I will have to listen for that.  Hmmm.  I wonder what he's hiding?  I guess we will find out eventually.  Like you, I think he has said that many many times.  Hmmm

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