
How many times has Palin lied about Obamas record tonight? ?

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Obama has never authored a single piece of legislator (the Coburn-Obama transparency bill)

Obama doesn't want new energy (Obama supports alt energy, McCain supports oil)

Obama will raise taxes on middle class (Obama will cut middle class taxes)

Community organizer takes a lot of work. Obama has governed over 7 million people and won 18 million votes!

He passed over 800 bills. He has legislative and foreign policy experience.

So the Rethugs rely on actually lying about Obama to distract from the truth?

She lied about the bridge to nowhere again. This mud-slinging is not what a convention should be about. What the h**l are the RNC going to do for US? What about the economy? What about education? What about health-care?




  1. next obamination of desolation supporter question,..give me my points,..

    i e a e,..

    avatar of the unification,..


  3. OK, first off, Obama has governed nobody - a Senator talks for a living and votes on laws, the executive branch governs (ie Governors).

    Second, voting on bills that 99 other people voted on does not mean Obama passed anything (except wind maybe).

    Third, I know Obama says that if he lets the Bush Tax Cuts expire, he will not technically be rasing taxes, but the real effect is that everyone will be paying between 3% to 7% higher in marginal tax rates.  So technically he is correct, but if you make $50,000 per year and your taxes go up $2500-$3500 per year, you might view it as higher taxes....if he then lowers your bill by $1000 per year, I guess he technically lowered your taxes but if your tax bill is still $1500 to $2500 higher than before...well you can do the math.

    I can go on, but if you believe these are lies, the complicated stuff will be too difficult to put in this limited space.

  4. She did nothing but lie and she did it all with that annoying teacher voice.

  5. The GOP has nothing good to offer America so they have to make Obama seem like the bad guy. The don't face the facts that their party will do nothing of value for America but only further its downfall.

    They fail to bring up key issues and just talk about how Palin is a soccer mom and how McCain was a POW. I don't want a soccer mom as the Vice President of America. If I did, I would vote for my mom to be VP. She was part of the PTA!  

  6. 1 Obama considers anyone making over 41,000.00 a year rich. As a community organizer, do you know what he did? He went door to door asking for money to raise money for the community. Obama has no foreign policy. He was a backbencher in the state legistlature and as a US Senator he voted present more times than he voted for any bills. He actually had to ask where the men's room was when he was a US Senator after being a US Senator for a year.

  7. Passed over 800 bills huh? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaha

    Now you made me pee my pants.

    I cant afford Depends anymore because of the high petrolium costs.

  8. i agree that its was a bad attempt at getting votes you shouldn't have to lie about Obama to get votes


  9. It seems like every word that came out her mouth was a lie.

  10. None...  

  11. Everything she said was a lie.

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