
How many times has USA actually attempted to invade Russia.?

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How many times has USA actually attempted to invade Russia.?




  1. none.  that would be hubris.  Russia is too big, too barren, and too inhospitable to invade.  they have the ultimate defense in that.  

    McCain is just being a tough guy because he wants to look presidential... even though one of his largest campaign contributers is the President of Georgia, can you say bought?  Geoge W Bush is just being a hypocrite... *no the USA doesn't bully other nations or invade countries or oil profiteer in them. *scarcasim + shame W has brought to us.

  2. Zero. History shows that never ends well.

  3. As far as I know, the United States has never attempted to invade Russia or the USSR.

  4. Zero. We bought Alaska. That is the only territory we got from them.

  5. During the Russian Civil War (circa 1920), several nations attempted to invade Russia.

    Poland, Germany, France, Britain, Estonia in the West of Russia and United States and Japan in the far East of Russia.

    The total contribution of soldiers and ammunitions (ammunition, rifles, artillery, etc) by these foreign nations only succeeded in increasing and prolonging the massive amounts of those killed in the Russian Civil War.

    So in short, with US soldiers, once.

  6. Once, in 1918, the Polar Bear Expedition.

  7. We haven't done it yet.  Maybe that will be McCain's first act since he so highly qualified to be commander-in-chief that he will feel obligated to boldly go where Napoleon and Hitler failed.

    Beam me up Scotty

  8. Although Patton wanted to do it after WW2 we NEVER have.

  9. Never; the 1918 Polar Bear Exercise was providing equipment to the White Russian troops which had been purchased during the First World War; a very small number of US military personnel guarded the supplies and it was in no way an attempted invasion.  It could and should be pointed out that the Whites who fought the Reds were not necessarily Czarist but were actually the people who had mainly been responsible for over throwing the Czar who were then attacked by the Communist who were being supported by the Germans with the promise they would pull Russia out of WW1.  The correct answer is none.

  10. Once. In February of 1918 a regiment of the Michigan National Guard was deployed to Murmansk in Soviet Russia. It was under operational command of a British Brigadier General and its alleged mission was to guard allied munitions which were stored there. Russia had signed a separate peace with Imperial Germany in December of 1917 after the Bolsheviks overthrew the First Russian Provisional Republic government headed up by Alexander Kerensky. From their arrival until their withdrawal some eighteen months later they fought many pitched battles against the 25th Red Army Division on both sides of the Dvina River. Some bodies of our dead soldiers remain under the frozen tundra. Two expeditions in the 1920s recovered additional mortal remains and brought them back to the States. The veterans's section of the White Cross Cemetery in Detroit contains many grave markers containing the information of "Died-Soviet Russia" on them.

    As a result of our President Wilson being talked into this military adventure by British Minister of Munitions Winston Churchill, Federal law was changed in 1921 when the Borah Amendment to the War Department Appropriations Act forbade U.S. troops from ever serving under operational control of foreign commanders.

    It wasn't an "exercise"! It was an invasion and, to me, the singular event which began the Cold War.  

  11. NEVER


    Zero times





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