
How many times have you been blocked in the Hockey section just because you disagreed with their POV?

by  |  earlier

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POV= Point of view

Or just disagreed with them in general, not counting trolls.

It happend to me for the first time today about the catcher-goalie question asked earlier. I gave an answer disagreeing with his/her/its POV. The "user" sends me two emails, then blocks me. What a joke.

Just in case question: Who will be the Penalty Minutes leader in the NHL this coming season?




  1. Surprisingly I haven't gotten blocked by anyone in the hockey section. I have a few people on my block list but that is only to keep track of them. EX- I have one of the first users to ever use yahoo, and a person who has over 6,000 points but has yet to answer a question blocked just as a reference. I did however have tomjc43 blocked for a period of time, but that was completely by accident(sorry!). I've never blocked anyone for having a different opinion than me, and never will. I have been blocked by a bunch of people in other sections of yahoo, just because I don't think they are pretty(why ask then?)


  2. I haven't been blocked by anyone here, but I did block one person.  Apparently he/she is now suspended and I just haven't removed the block.  The only other person I blocked was not from this section but was following me and telling everyone that I was the one reporting their answers (I wasn't, and really didn't need the bother).

    Don't worry about it, I've found that most of the regulars here are pretty good about excepting others opinions as long as you are nice about it or have proof to back up what you are saying.

    Penalty leader - I'll take Carcillo

  3. Now I know what happened. It is a good thing I don't hold a grudge or retaliate.

    I have only blocked a person twice in my time on all of Yahoo and that was only for inflammatory racist remarks. never for POV. And I have received best answers on 10 separate forums.

    Answer - Is Tiger Williams still playing?

  4. hopefully darcy hordichuk... GO CANUCKS!!!!

  5. Wow that sucks...I think it's just completely childish when someone blocks you because they don't agree with you.  They should be able to suck it up, and accept your opinion even if they don't agree with it, because I know you're not the type of person to just say something stupid to get someone legitimately angry.

    Dan Carcillo!!  He surpassed the guy with the next highest amount of penalty minutes (Jared Boll) by nearly 100 minutes!!  AND he only played 57 games, while Boll played 75.  Carcillo for sure!

  6. Bill W blocked me, along with about 30 others, then he unblocked a bunch of people, but not me. I'm suprised I don't get blocked more, or get violation notices....


  7. I used to come on here quite a bit (especially during these last playoffs) but as I would differ from anothers POV they would report it and then POW.. get that famous letter from Yahoo.

    I say one thing.. I personally would like to see some of these crybabies on the ice, then see how tough they are.

    That's the main reason for me shying away from the hockey section, sore losers. Just because you have a disagreement with somone they take it personally then set out on some lame revenge trip.

  8. I've never been blocked for disagreeing with someone but a troll has reported two of my questions that had a lot of stars so they were evidently pretty good. I think they were my first two questions or so in this section on top of it...

  9. As far as I know, I've never been blocked and have not blocked anyone. I went back and read your answer in question, it seemed to offer a fair bit of insight to catching most of us wouldn't otherwise realize. I don't see why someone would have a problem with it, it was clear and to the point. Not much room for interpretation. The guy who asked it usually seems like a level headed guy, so I don't know what to say, maybe you pissed him off somewhere before.

    The other question: Will Steve Downie get enough ice time to top that list? If so, then he might.

  10. It happened once.

    hmmm     Tuutuu aka Ruutu

  11. I believe I've had one or two people block me, mainly because they were annoyed about my POV on the Sharks.

    Still it will be Carcillo.

  12. Wow. Laying Low That really sucks. I have not been blocked. I have never blocked anyone either. That user sounds really lame.

    To answer the hockey question. The Penalty leader will be Ruutu. I am just throwing it out there. No real idea .

  13. Never happened to me in the hockey section!! But in other sections for telling the truth!!! A very PC crowd here at Yahoo Answers!

    PIM Leader for 08-09 will all depend if Carcillo develops any self-control or not. If he does, I'll say Avery! If not, Carcillo!!!

    Note: most of Avery Penalty minutes next season will come from messing around with Pronger and Carcillo now that Avery is playing in the Pacific Division.

  14. Other sections yes, but never in the Hockey section. I have had a couple of answers deleted for some very asinine reasons though.

  15. I have been blocked maybe 3 times by nontrolls.For this "person" to block you for that question is absolutely ridiculous I even sent you an email telling you how good your answer was.You didn't call the "person"names or anything like that at all.This "person" is a joke and you should treat it as such.

    I got under someones skin so they report alot of my answers that are legit answers and questions but oh well.

  16. ruutu... great pick up by ottawa

  17. Yeah, that happened to me with a current user. For some reason or another, they relented and now I'm able to answer their questions.

    It was meant for blocking stalkers, not for disagreements. I think whomever blocked you needs some growing up. I have never used it and I shouldn't have to. I can deal with opposing points of view.

    As for the hockey question, I wouldn't be surprised if the leader wore black and orange. Not to mention no Stanley Cup.

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