
How many times have you been forced to move because of a parent's job offer?

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I know a ton of kids that have moved multiple times all over the country, usually because of a parent's occupation.

How many times has this happened to you? How far away did you have to go? Do you resent your parents, or does it not bother you?

I feel like I'm one of the only few who has lived in the same house since birth...




  1. I moved many times when I was growing up.  The states I lived in were Iowa and Texas but we moved to several different towns within these states because of my father's job.  I attended 5 different schools before I graduated from high school.  I didn't like being the new girl in school but I survived.

    You are enjoying something rare in this day and age.  I know my own children and grandchildren have not lived in the same house since birth.  I hope you enjoy your family and where you live.

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