
How many times have you read the US Constitution?

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Since graduating from High School, have you read the constitution of the United States of America? How often?




  1. yes, at least 5 times .

  2. Im British and Ive read it a couple of times but reference it all the time. We dont have one and we suffer for it.

  3. All the way through?  Perhaps ten times, give or take a couple.

  4. Never >.>

  5. twice front to back.  Along with rereading several parts here an there.

  6. Yes several

  7. I've skimmed it a few times, which is more than I could say for about 98% of the country.

    A trick question I like to ask people is: What rights are given to you by the US Constititution? The answer is: None.

    The Constitution doesn't grant ANY rights or freedoms to American citizens. The singular purpose of the Constitution is in restricting the government's rights. The citizen has the right to do anything and everything he chooses up to the point where the government has the right (as specified by the Constitution) to restrict the citizen's actions.

    This is why there could never possibly be, for example, an Amendment restricting g*y marriage. By definition, the Constitution cannot have such an amendment because it restricts the citizen rather than the government.

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