
How many times have you seen a U.S. president in person?

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I shook hands with Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Was not far away from GWB once. I apologize for the stupidity of this question.




  1. I have only seen John F Kennedy in person.  

  2. I saw Gerald Ford once.  I wrote to Bush the Elder to ask him who his favorite Stooge was.  He waffled on the question, and even didn't know who Shemp was!

  3. You were not that far away from George W. Bush??? still my heart!  Back to the original question.  The answer is no.'s politicians do not excite me.  Now, to go back in time and meet Washington, Lincoln, or that would have been something.

  4. 5

    Seen W 2 times

    clinton 2 times

    reagan once

    " know who shemp was"

    He's the worthless stooge.

  5. fI have seen every president since Kennedy in person, except for Dubya. I went to college in DC, so that played in.

    My folks took me to a parade with Kennedy when I was a baby and to a LBJ campaign rally when I was a kid - I remember that one.

    My HS Band played at a campaign rally for Nixon (very controversial at the time)

    Saw Ford on the night he was defeated in '76 and was at Carter and Reagan's innaguration (were I also saw Bush 41).

    Clinton was my graduation speaker way before he was president.

    Gore was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended and since he won the 2000 election, he kind of counts.

  6. I've only seen Reagan.

    My daughters, however, were in DC with some relatives, and while walking down the street, the limo ("Limo One"?) stopped, rolled down the window, and Clinton waved at them. I figured he heard there were two new virgins in town.

  7. I've never seen a sitting president.  I have seen two former presidents speak.

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