
How many times is too many to golf in a week?

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How many times is too many to golf in a week?




  1. Everything in moderation, especially moderation.

    There is NEVER too much golf!

  2. You have played too many when your whole body starts to ache real bad.

  3. i golf about 10 rounds a week, if you work during the week, your lucky to get out twice, if you don't, there's no such thing as "too much golf"

  4. Depends whether you're married.  If you are, there's no such thing as too many times.  :-)

  5. Wow I wish I could play 7 days a week. I guess you could never play enough Golf especially if you Love the game.

  6. the is no too many my dad plays every day a week (still not too good lol) but he has a member ship

  7. lets just say that if you really love it most people would play every day if they didnt have to work; which is pretty much impossible since golf is d**n expensive

  8. If you have to ask, then cut down going to the golf course a bit ...

    ... get a practice net set up in your back yard to hit a few buckets of balls.

    ... and a stretch of carpet near the TV for putting.

    Now your family can remember what you look like !!!

  9. 4,443

  10. Anything more than 14 rounds a week probably pushes the limit.  Probably.  Maybe.

  11. back in the day , i went 3 to 4 times a week...i added up my green fees and i took up tennis again..

  12. i play 27 holes every weekday, and at least 18 on saturday and sunday, im 15 and i wish i could play more

  13. You can never get enough golf. I golf 7 days a week since it's summer and I still would love to get more in.

  14. To much golf?  Is that possible?  Being retired I need something to do besides fish!

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