
How many times should I be cleaning my house in a week?

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I'm pretty sure I should be cleaning my house everyday, but what do I know? I'd rather here your opinions, and do the general, so please answer! Maybe I'm just a clean freak. Another question I would like to ask is if I should vacuum everyday, or just once a week?




  1. Once a week should be enough. Go out and have fun or read a good book -- enjoy life. But then again, if cleaning your house makes you really happy, clean your house.

  2. most things only need to be about once a week with some touch up every other day or so. I vacuum every day or every other day since my daughter plays down there. I like to use cleaning wipes to wipe the bathroom sink down between weekly cleanings. I clean the kitchen everyday but that is because it is in constant use.  

  3. you should clean up after yourself all the time but when it comes to dusting and vaccuming that depends on how dusty and dirty things get but once a week should be enough of that........ unless of course your O.C.D then too much is never enough!

  4. I dust really well once a week.

    Vacuum 2-3 times per week.

    Kitchen pretty much everyday.  I have to sweep it about twice a day, but it's small and we go through the kitchen a lot.

    I wipe down the bathroom sink and toilet every morning b'c I just like it to be clean, and I mop about once a week.

    I do a 'deep' cleaning about twice a month.  That's doing stuff like re-organizing the toy room, going through toy boxes.  Throwing away broken toys etc....wiping out the fridge in the kitchen and wiping down all my appliances really well.  In the bathroom that means scrubbing, and doing the baseboards and flooring around the toilet really well.  

    I'm pretty clean considering I have 3 kids.  I am a stay at home mom, though, so I really have no excuse for not having a clean house....especially when school is in.

    I say just live in your home the way you feel comforatable.  Sometimes my house just doesn't 'feel' clean,although it looks that way.  So, I'll stay up late at night after the hubby and kids are in bed and scrub so I can sleep better that night.  I'm borderline OCD I think??

  5. depends on what you do in your house!!  clean when it's dirty -do a little bit each day.

  6. The general rule is: once a week.  Unless, there is excess traffic.

    Why would you want to vacuum everyday, unless you have small children?  That's the only exception I can think of. Perhaps, you saw your mother or someone doing all this work everyday when you were growing up.  As times changed and new appliances were made better our mothers bought them........which made them work more if you ask me.  I can do everything my mother did in a quarter of the time. There was a time I felt guilty for finishing too quick and having time for myself.  Then it dawned on me......our mothers found a unique way of having time for themselves in their work with their new appliances.  I'm not OCD, but I do like things in order and clean.  We all agree on the bathroom everyday.  The kitchen demands attention, as well.

    Whatever makes you feel best about yourself is what you do. I find it certainly works out "GREAT" for me........(doing it my way).


  7. I guess you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable in your house. If you put things away right away and clean up messes right away, you'll probably only need to dust once a week and vacuum       once or twice a week. I do clean the bathroom toilet and sink everyday, then the whole bathroom weekly. Being clean isn't the worst thing to be, you know. I like it!

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