
How many times should i go out with this girl i like before i ask her to be my girlfriend?

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How many times should i go out with this girl i like before i ask her to be my girlfriend?




  1. depends on the girl... go out on formal date 3? 4? times but you should hang out and make sure she feels comfortable around you wayyy more than 3 or 4 times.

  2. how many times does not matter... if you are sincere,she can be ur girlfriend right now! good luck!!

  3. There really isn't a set number of times to go-out with someone, before deciding to date exclusively.  Everyone is different.  You'll either feel a connection, or you wont.  

    If you already feel a connection, then tell her how much you enjoy spending time with her.  Let her know you're really enjoying the dates you've been having and feel there is a connection between you two.  If she agrees, then you can ask if she'd like to be exclusive.

    I agree you shouldn't rush things, but you should also not keep quiet.  If you like her, let her know you like her.  Learn to communicate with this girl.  If she's important to you and you feel a connection, let her know.  If you think she's really special, and she's not like the other girls, then tell her.  

    I've known people who dated for years unexclusively, and I've also known people who knew, after just one date, that they wanted to be exclusive.  Every one is different.  If you need more time, then take more time, but when you're beginning to feel something, let her know.  

    Relationships are built on communication.  Communicate early, and communicate often.  Just tell her how you feel.

    Best of luck in life and love.  :-)

  4. twice dont let her get away

  5. youll know.

  6. however long it takes until you get butterflies in your stomach thinking about her

  7. uhm, i think about 4 or 5 times, but it depends on the girl, but remember we don't want to feel like it's rushed

  8. Why not just take it one day at a time and let things flow naturally.When u feel this has progressed 2 the level u want, tell her when the time is right, you will know.Theres no hurry

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