
How many times should i take out a girl for a date before...?

by  |  earlier

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having s*x in australian culture?

if it differs by state to state, please kindly specify so. danke.




  1. Mate don't come over here and think our girls are easy!!

    Every girl is different, if they like you and you don't act like a tool, well then it might not take that long.

    But if they knew you were asking questions like this one you could be in for a dry spell for a long long time.

    Oh BTW we don't change ideas from state to state like the US might, we are all the same from Broome to Bundy.

  2. It all depends on the girl......... Let it happen and dont expect much.  Again all depends on the girl and what kind of singinals she is giving you.

  3. Depends on a girl :)

    Could me months.

  4. If you only want the girl for s*x maybe you should go to a club instead of taking a girl out on dates.

    Most girls go to clubs to pick-up.

  5. There is not a rule book to go by!

    It depends on the girl, well really it depends on how hot you are?

    I mean if you are a but ugly mutt, then you could be waiting a long time.

    Be nice to her, get to know her and she will let you know when but if you are coming over here because you think that the girls are easy then you are going to get a rude shock mate. Treat us nice and we are sugar and spice act the prick and your gone quick.

    Get the picture??

  6. it depends on the girl your dating

  7. Scientifically it will harm u mentalyy, physically, moraly.

    it is better to get married soon, dont waste ur time and energy, just visit this  more clealrificatin

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