
How many times should my sister feed her birds a day?

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Well my sister sarted buying birds just a year ago. She use to feed them 2 or more times a day. At the moment we have 2 budgys and 2 cockatiles. The budgys and the cockatiles are in seperate cages. She now only feeds them once a day and she never plays with them anymore. When ever I walk home from school I can hear them just outside my street and when I get to my house and see them looking for food. My Dad and me tell her to go feed her birds but she doesn't listen to us. I tell that she should feed her birds at least twice a day, but she gets a bit cranky and goes on about how shes right and know a lot about birds.

Since she dosn't listen to my answer.., what do you think? How many times a day should my sister's birds be fed?




  1. Her birds can be fed 1-2 times a day - plenty of fresh water 8 year old forgets sometimes and gets cranky too...

  2. i don't really understand? i only feed my birds every 2-3 days.. they have a bowl and dig through it .... and when it looks more husk then seed i either blow the husk out or just replace the whole bowl.

    ?? get a bigger bowl and put it in if your worried.. or maybe a seed block.

    i do change the water every day though, i think that is important.

    they are probably noisy as they are lonely and bored, since she no longer gives them much attention, some toys or a mirror might help with that..

  3. There needs to be food in the cage at all times. Birds will eat when they are hungry and they are not meant to be fed on schedules like other animals. They should have a pellet base diet in the cage at all times and then have fresh veggies and fruits added in. The best time to feed them fresh stuff would be in the morning when they first wake up. Make sure to change water one to two times a day and change any left over pellets every two days.

  4. two to three.  Only if it gets low no need if they didnt eat much.

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