There really ought to be some limit, I usually allow one visit every four months, and one more during emergencies, "letter permitting received within 48 hours notice " I time it on a quarterly basis, as all unpleasantries "such as bills" are dealt with the same day to avoid contaminating the rest of the month. During this process, my wife is confined to the basement for a total of two hours, then it's time to ship the loon out back to the squalid bedsit she crawled from. I'm really fed up with the infernal racket, on how difficult it is nursing a sick husband, and constantly blistering on about my chums at the Raffles Club keeping me out through the early hours every morning. My wife is in floods of tears and making no sense whatsoever, all I can get out of her is 'Oh just do what you want' So I was thinking, any ideas on how to make them see sense in order to return to the peace and quiet I'm used to, as I have tried moving to another part of the manor but she keeps following me, I've even tried shouting but this just makes it worse?