
How many times should we "finish" Quran in Ramadan?

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Many people ask me that How many times did you "finish" the Quran in Ramadan.

Well, I actually never intend to FINISH Quran. I read it for guidance.

Is there any Quranic verse or Hadith which states that we should read Quran quickly without understanding it?




  1. i was told to start the quran when ramadan starts,and finish it by the end of ramadan.

    but can you finish it more than once during ramadan?

  2. lets think logically is there any number of times to read a loved ones letter the answer is NO.Insha Allah i hope we all love ALLAH more than every one so we can read quraan many times with meaning as well as without meaning  

  3. Well actually you are generally meant to finish reading the whole Quran throughout Ramadan.

    Everyday your meant to recite 1 Juz of the quran. Hence 30 days and 30 juz means the whole Quran. If you dont know what a Juz is it is a section of the quran and it is divided into 30 bits.

    However because Im young I just read important surahs like Yaseen etc.

    Also you can read it more than twice in Ramadan however the Prophet said that your not mean to read the Quran in 1-4 days because then that means the reciter hasnt properly understood the meaning of the glorious quran. I would advise read 1 Juz and then read the translation.

  4. u can finish Quran as many times as u want

    but the real point is to understand Quran!

  5. we should read Quran with understanding but a large number of muslim read Quran without understanding  no matter swab will be each other who read wih or witout understanding but a duty being on those people who read Quran understanding to follow Quran verse in life we read Quran in minimum time three days it means we finish Quran in ramadan 9 or10 time

    in true hadith u read this

  6. there is no order abohow manymany time  you must read all the quran

    but there is some more important thing than reading doing it's instructions

  7. Its not obliged. But its prefered. I try to finish it atleast once every ramadan. Every day, I read one chapter, which makes it 30 chapters per ramadan, i.e. the whole quran.

  8. every year during ramdhan i finish once reading quran.

    other months by two months one rea.ding.

    you are trying to read it with more concentration and study,then that is good, and question of how much completed is not arising.

    last no such instruction, but without understanding, you may read quran and allah reward you for your effort.

    the quran is to read and understand so that we apply its instruction in our day to day life.

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