
How many times should you brush your teeth a day?

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  1. every morning and night along with flossing

  2. Depends on your diet. If you have a very non-sugar diet and drink a lot of water you can get away with brushing twice a day and flossing once every few days. If you drink cokes, eat candy, etc. It would be best to brush your teeth after every meal and floss more often.

    Tender Muffin is right, if you brush too much or too hard or use too hard of bristles you can start causing wear on the enamel of your teeth.

  3. twice a day is fine with me---once in the morning and at bedtime.

  4. Three

  5. 5 times a day but without using listerine the plaque will form anyways and youll get cavitys or loose teeth when youre older. You have to floss too brushing alone dosnt make it at all.

  6. 3 once after each meal

  7. your teeth only require a single brushing per day.. the problem is... most ppl do not brush their teeth completely clean in one try. this is one of the reasons they suggest 3 times per day.. it ensures your teeth have actually been cleaned properly that day and prevents everyone around you from having curling nosehairs due to your bad breath ;)

  8. I think after every meal you eat.  So, probably 3-6, depending on  how many meals you have.  Some people, trying to increase their metabolism, eat 4-6 smaller, healthier meals.  I think 3 is fine (meals, and times to brush your teeth).

  9. 2. anymore than that and it starts taking off the enamel on your teeth.

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