
How many times should you keep forgiving someone that you love for the same mistake?

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I know the answer seems obvious, once, but when you love someone you keep hoping they "really mean it this time" because they sometimes go months before they make the mistake again, but when is enough...enough?




  1. Well obviously you cant keep forgiving them because every-time you do they repeat the same problem. I forgive people about once or twice after that the person isn't really trying to correct the problem. Not forgiving someone for doing something stupid repeatedly doesn't mean you don't love them. Actually not forgiving someone help show that person that you are serious about wanting them to change. And when they see that you're serious they will change if they care for you. And if they don't change maybe they can't change. But to answer your question, you shouldn't forgive more than twice. After the second time they are just taking advantage of your kindness

  2. haha no - theres no such thing

    it really is once

    i cheated on my ex once and he has forgiven me

    so i cheated again - and again

    until he found out again

    and he forgave me

    so i cheated again - but with him he was obssesed with me

    i couldnt do anything without him being stuck to my hip and my phone wouldnt stop ringing .

    If you really love him madly then dont be with him - because you are blinded by his love and h**l take advantage :)

  3. if its bad than twice

  4. sorry i can't help you here, my family's going through the same problem right now and i don't know what to do either. REALLY SORRY though!

  5. it depends on the type of mistakes there making, drugs, alcoholism, theft, adultery etc to much is enough id say if its happend for a long time give up, i the end your better off, you could get over the hurt and find someone better.

  6. u have to choose when enough is enough cause he is just gonna keep doin it every few months until it becomes every few weeks or even days.  if u love each other, u need to work this out together until he stops altogether. but if he doesn't notice how badly he's hurting u, then u should let him go.

  7. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

  8. It took 8 times and 3 years and 6 months for me to finally give him up.  I guess I am a slow learner.  

  9. depends on the situation - ie how it impacts you.  you can forgive someone and yet not leave yourself open to the problem.  forgiving and loving doesn't mean you are willing to live with the person or let them do that to you again.  it is your responsiblity to protect yourself.  you don't say enough for me to give a good answer, but look at the impact of the mistake on you.  i mean is the person using your credit card or hitting you or cheating?  are they wrecking the car or getting put in jail or drinking too much?  are they going late to work and getting fired?  love shouldn't lead you to put yourself in harm's way from another person's actions.  you can still love the person (from afar) and let them go so their behavior doesn't impact your life.

  10. You should never stop forgiving. Forgiving is the right thing to do and holding anger in your heart will only make you bitter.

    However, forgive does *not* mean forget! I cannot give you a specific number of events but eventually you have to end the relationship. I would recommend ending the relationship when it becomes apparent that this behavior will never end or fall to an acceptably low level (such as only getting drunk once a year instead of monthly). Some things like cheating will never be acceptable, so you need to end the relationship when you realize that they will never stop cheating.

    I'm sorry. I know it's painful, but facing the pain now will save you from a worse pain later.  

  11. you are worth better than someone that lies never be afraid to be alone and you will find a better partner once you hear I am sorry wont do it again the trust is never 100 % there be proud  

  12. When your heat telling you its enough! men just children,They lured  see if you are watching them to see if they can getaway with it again. I went toughed it my's Daughter went thought it, ask your this question,Do I deserved any less? how many life do I have to live? And by the time you realized you going to be too old to enjoy life.

    You decide, I have had been there 4 times,I'm ok now, I work hard,I have a very nice man.

    And you too can have. I believed,every women can have love life the she want it.

  13. only once! definetely

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