
How many times was Obama interrupted by hecklers during his speech?

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Just setting the stage to ask the same question after McCain's speech and compare.




  1. I think both sides are pretty careful about that, given the intensity in the stadium a heckler would have been taking their lives in their hands.

    Those people are passionate about Obama.

    I don't think McCain inspires that degree of fervor.

  2. Not once that I heard. And I had the volume turned up.

  3. you have to be invited to the GOP convention... right? who would boo him?

    is he that unpopular with his own party?

    and you're comparing it to obama's nomination acceptance speech... right?

  4. No because they were outside protesting, while the police was keeping them at bay. The security for the DNC Convention at a cost of 15 million dollars of tax payers money.

  5. None.

    BUt I bet McCain will be a few times.

  6. Not once. I was watching on C-span and they broadcast the whole speech uninterrupted.

  7. Just wait until McCain's speech, the liberal anti 1st amendment brigade will be sure to interrupt and attempt to drown out everyone else's free speech, as they do at any conservative/republican speech.

  8. Never...nice try though

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