
How many times will Obama flip flop while being hammered by Bill O'reliy tonight?

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How many times will Obama flip flop while being hammered by Bill O'reliy tonight?




  1. I recon O'Rielly will lose it completely, his already 3/4 there.  

    Looking forward to it!

  2. oh my god he's going to be on the o'reilly factor tonight!?!?!?  this is gonna be hysterical!  someone tell me what time!!!!!!

  3. For all that Bill (and Fox News) gets slammed by libs, I seem to remember that he treated John Edwards & Hillary Clinton respectfully.  I even remember Bill saying he actually respected Edwards candor during that particularly interview because Edwards had the *nuts* to give his views on taxing others to help the poor with-out doing the typical Dem shuffle.

    Bill usually only gets that annoyed look and gets frustrated when people try to be intellectually dishonest or they attempt to skirt around giving the obvious answer because it might not be a popular answer.  He will usually leave people a lone if they are honest and it is simply a disagreement in ideas.

  4. It will be great

  5. LMAO i wish he would go on Sean H and Alan C show!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That will depend on how many times Bill, mad as h**l for reasons no one knows O'reily yell screams or bangs his fist at Obama.

  7. I have no idea.But it was very smart for him to appera on the show on the night john mcain speaks.He will get a lot of air play from the conservative base I would rather Obama go on O'reily than Hannity.  

  8. He can always say the answer is "above my paygrade".


  9. He won't get hammered, he won't get a word in edgewise when Bill O'Lielly doesn't agree with him and takes a temper tatrum, screams and convulses like he always.

  10. If he is breathing, he will be flip flopping, there is no substance in that well tailored empty suit.  

  11. Hey, hey!  Democratic candidates own flip flopping.  That is their special thing.  Don't you try to give it away to the Republicans!  Sheesh, is nothing sacred any more?

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