
How many times will mccain mention the fact that he was a pow during his speech tonight?

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Will it be less than the number of wives he's had (2) or more than the number of homes he forgot that he owned (7)?




  1. I could care less how many times Mr. McCain proclaims he is a hero. Quite frankly I'm tired of hearing it. I fought, got shot at and missed, shot back and killed while in the Republic of Vietnam for fourteen months. I did not come home a hero. 582,000 heroes died and did not come home heroes, they just came back dead and dismembered. No matter how many times he says it, he will never convince me simply because of the things I saw as a part of daily living. I came home with post traumatic stress disorder, Mr. McCain has the same. Watch Mr. McCain rant and rave, and become utterly self destructive on YouTube. Ask yourself is the man ready to lead? He is mental depressed from his time as a POW. Anyone who has these types of experiences always develops mental problems. He has several gigantic ones. He wants to be commander in chief to get some payback and now it does not matter against whom. Don't ever let it be the American people.

  2. Sucks to be patriotic, uh?  When did it become fashionable to hate ones country and disrespect military heros?

  3. He will be delighted to know that you've listened to all of his speeches.  Thank you for your support.  

  4. i think no matter how many times he says it that he has earned that right to say that he was a P O W

  5. It really doesn't matter.  Each time he says it, if he does, it has a purpose and provides context for what he is discussing.

    The biggest problem I see is the jealousy that the other side has in not having any service worthwhile to point to.

  6. A third of the speech will likely consist of details relating to it.  You have to run on your best.  Means he ain't got much else.

  7. at least every othe paragraph...he is reaching for those swift boat veterans, I say enough already that was over 40 years ago many people were not even born yet and do not he denounced our country and gave up intellegence...not so tuff was he

  8. like Guiliani with his 9/11 references it gets a bit old!!

  9. This has the makings of a great drinking game!

  10. I don't know about you but I suspect that in order to be a POW you have to surrender...which is kind of ironic since he now says that surrender is something he'd never do (even though he did?).  Which makes me feel he may be menatlly unstable and has a bit of what I would call "Surrender Guilt" and is why he talks so tough instead of trying to be Presidential and use diplomacy and tact.  Deploying our Armed Forces should ALWAYS be the LAST resort, not the first "knee jerk" reaction to a volatile situation that can endager the lives of millions.  I honestly fear that McCain simply doesn't understand diplomacy nor does he show that he possesses any kind of tact.

  11. 12 times

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  12. He was the only one fighting for you to have the right to speak. The only thing anyone could do is give him the time he so rightfully deserves. They say you have to earn respect, well he has, and if the other don't  may be they are not in his league.

  13. I'm guessing every other sentence. He's a hero, we get it. So are the young men and women who die in Iraq every week.

  14. Many more times than he'll mention he graduated 894th out off 899 people in his military academy.

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