
How many times would you need to flip a coin on heads in a row to get the odds 1:10,000,000,000?

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How many times would you need to flip a coin on heads in a row to get the odds 1:10,000,000,000?




  1. The general formula is that the odds of getting all heads in 'n' flips is 2^n. (2 times itself n times). If you flip twice, the probability of both heads is 1 in four.

    If you flip 33 times, the probability is 1:8,589,934,592.

    If you flip 34 times, the probability is 1:17,179,869,184.

  2. About 33.

  3. 33

  4. It doesn't matter how many times you flip it. The odds are never going to change. The correct answer is 1 in 2.

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