
How many times y'all can get crownefied in chess?

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I say its unlimited but my stupid uncle says that y'all can only get crowned two times each game.




  1. You don't get crowned in chess, only in checkers.

    In checkers, if you go by traditional rules of the game, then you are only allowed to have two pieces crowned.

  2. if you mean crowned by getting and extra queen, you can get crowned 8 times a game because of your ponds.

  3. You can make a castle in chess once, plus exchange every pawn you have for another player when you get to the other side, but there is no crowning in chess, that would be checkers.  

    Say, we should play a game on Yahoo! Games and have a friendly wager.  <evil grin>

  4. You idiot.. thats only in checkers..i can play that but i dont know a thing about chess.

  5. Come play "get a new crown" with my uncle Marathon Man.

  6. Numbers do in chess counts,  but it is only a matter in win or defeat.

    For crowned Queen in chess game it get bitten away before next move .  The next two crowned Castle both one after another bit opponent King in between.

  7. Uh, chess? Only once, and that's not a crown. It's a checkmate, and that means,"leave me alone, I beat you."

  8. If you mean promoting a pawn to another playing piece, you can keep doing it until you run out of pawns.

  9. Well you must be thinking of another checkered board game called Checkers... but I think this will help your gaming skills...

  10. Any of your pawns can get "crownified" if they advance to the last rank.

    Maximum would be eight crownifications.

    Your stupid uncle is wrong.

  11. If by crowned you mean "queening", Each and every pawn is capable of queening once.

    Queening is where a pawn reaches the opposing side of the board and can choose to become whatever piece you want. Usually players turn them into queens rather than anything else because they are more powerful. However, sometimes it is better to promote the pawn into something else, usually to facilitate a faster checkmate.

  12. Heck, son, y'all can do this playing poker, er mumblety-peg er whatever yew like.  De-pends on how much corn likker grandda has de-stilled and jist how powerful that white lightnin' is.  First, y'all play a round and get friend-ified, then y'all play anither round and get sillified, then y'all play anither round and get stupefied, then y'all get deep-fried (we all 're famous fer that), then (if the likker holds out) y'all get crownefied.  Hope this here helped.

  13. Your uncle should stay off the wacky baccy. I presume you mean how many times can a pawn promote to a queen when it gets to the end of the board. The answer is any number of times. Theoretically you can have 9 queens per side although that doesn't happen in practice. It's legal though. Of course the pawn doesn't have to promote to a queen. It can change to a Knight, Bishop or Rook instead. There is a very famous game Bogolyubov-Alekhine where there were 5 queens on the board at once.

  14. I think he is maybe what they call Olds Flint, Michigan.

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