
How many times yourself have misjudged a person by his appearance? Thought he had a certain job wrongly, ...?

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Thought he or she had a certain social status by the way he looks. How many times have you made wrong conclusions of people you met for less time?

Is it a human nature to judge and make quick conclusions? what are the causes?




  1. not a lot. But

    you can.

  2. This is a good question!

    I thought about it and it boils down to how you were raised and how your parent(s) viewed others on first sight. We gauge our reactions as adults the same way our parents did.

    BUT, as we grow up, we form our own opinions about people and what we think of them.

    If you see a guy with his body covered in tattoos, spreaders in his ears, and spiked hair, you would assume that he was lazy, shiftless, and a punk rocker or whatever. You only go by what you visualize and not by what the guy does. He could be a top computer programmer who works for himself and does quite well and doesn't have to conform to the standards of what society imposes people to look like with those kinds of jobs.

    Just like the guy in the tailor made suit, carrying a briefcase, and newspaper under his arm walking down the street. You would assume he was a business man on his way to his corner office for a days work, when in fact, he's unemployed, a drug user, alcoholic, and physically abuses his spouse.

    We only go by the surface and not by what's inside. If there were something to see inside people and not what's on the outside, we would be a lot better off.

    You never know what someone does or what they are like until you get to KNOW them.

    It's happened since time began and it's not likely to change until we get a handle on reality and see that people aren't always what they seem.

  3. It is human nature luv.  People more often than not are prone to judging a book by it's covers instead of content, mainly because people are often ruled by pre-misconceptions and that which pleases the sight, smell, taste and feel first.

  4. More than once.  But the longer I live the more I understand that it is unnecessary for anyone to satisfy my preconceived ideas of my evaluative processes

  5. Well, people assume I'm intelligent and wealthy, just because I'm Asian, whereas in reality I'm shy, timid, and $17,000 in debt. I also wear a blue collar and punch in and out of work.

  6. I could never tell you what someone is wearing or even how they wear their hair, and I'm a girl! When I look at people I study their eyes first, then probably body language. Their smile and demeanor are very important to me. So that's all I can remember and how I size some on up. I'd be a lousy witness for description except I could thoroughly describe the color of their eyes and give detailed facial information. I am usually right on in judgment though, I can tell right off if a person is someone I'm gonna like and trust or not.

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