
How many to overdoes?

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How many 200mg ibueprofen(sp?) would you need to take to overdoes but not die? i need the answer for health class...2 is a regualr dose for an how many can you take without dying but still having to go to the hospital?




  1. Dear Jenn,

       I know NOT why you ask this question---NO health class would even want you to CONSIDER inquiring of such an issue.  IF you are seeking a "suicidal attempt"--but just for a cry for help, then SKIP the "potential attempt", and go straight to the CRY FOR HOPE.  I have attempted Suicide TWICE, both of which SHOULD have succeeded, but factors OUTSIDE my control intervened, and I was brought back.  But I could very much just as easily NOT came back.  Why don't you go and talk to your school nurse? Or a school counselor, or even a Planned Parenthood clinic.  They are people that you can talk to, ESPECIALLY the Planned Parenthood clinic, and they CANNOT tell your parents, and won't UNLESS YOU SAY YOU ARE SUICIDAL!!  And, if this is the case...please...please...please--DON'T make a permanent decision for a temporary problem. THAT is what suicide is.  YOU CAN'T COME BACK AND TRY AGAIN!!  Please--find someone--ANYONE--to TALK to, and who will really REALLY listen to you.  God loves you, and MANY people love you.  I know how it feels to be suicidal--I STILL AM at times, but I fear the thoughts of the people who may find my body, and don't wish to hurt others, just because I hurt soooo bad. With the LOVE of One person to Another, I wish you better days. -Charles

  2. Taking this many of this chemical will not get you high and high doses will give you much worse effects than pain, this med is not a narcotic and cannot be used for getting high.

  3. no health class would ask this sort of question......

  4. ur kidneys  will shut down   proven fact!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I agree, no health class would ever ask this question.

    Besides, the difference between symptomatic toxicity and death is different for every person.

    That's why it's never a good idea to even think about suicide with OTC drugs. They almost never work. They will, however, enable you to live with a feeding tube for the rest of your life.


  6. ive taken 8 800mg an didnt have 2 go to the hosp just had a tummy ache

  7. you can take up to 150+ before they are worried about a potential overdose. it will however give you a severe stomachache

  8. don't do it, i have overdoes before when i was 14 years old . i put my family threw a lot of **** because of the overdoes. They took me from my mom. I was put in a home for 1 year . you don't  want to go to a foster home.
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