
How many toes do elephants have??

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How many toes do elephants have??




  1. How many elephants are we talking about?


    Its back feet have three toes that form a hoof, while the number of toes on the front feet have varied between four and five, in different instances.

    They have four toes on the forefeet and five toes on the hindfeet.

    The African elephant

    typically four toes front - three back

    The Asian elephant

    usually five toes front- four back

    The only evidence of an elephants five toes buried within the flesh of the foot are the toe nails. Actually, the toe nails are cornified shields in the skin and are not attached to the fingers/digits. Interestingly, not all of the toes have nails either. Overall, it is generally accepted that the African elephant has four toenails on the front feet and three on the back as opposed to the Asian elephants which have five on on the front and four on the back. It is important to note that there has been some disagreement among particular experts and there appears to be a possible range within each species for the number of toenails. For example, it is plausible that a particular group of African elephants may have the same number of toenails on the front and back as the Asian.

  3. I think five on each foot, so twenty.

  4. 1 leg have 4 to 5 toes.1 elephant have 16 or 20 toes

  5. African elephants have 4 to 5 toes on each of the front feet and three toes on each of the back feet.

    Asian elephants have 5 toes on each of the front feet and 4 toes on each of the hind feet.

    Edited to add:

    I just found a reference that says all elephants have 5 toes on each foot but it  is the number of toenails that differ (the numbers as above) -- makes more sense to me.

  6. 24,569,317,685.6748 and a half

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