
How many tonnes of plastic is required to make 4 bil. supermarket bags? This is .au yearly consumption.?

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How many tonnes of plastic is required to make 4 bil. supermarket bags? This is .au yearly consumption.?




  1. divide 4 bill/ into 2. DO THE MATH-MATE

  2. A 2002 report on plastic bags in Australia found that the then 6.9 billion plastic bags, both HPLE and LPHE, amounted to 36 850 tons of plastic or 2.5% of the total plastic consumption in the country. Assuming the ratio of HPLE to LPHE plastic shopping bags remains the same 4 billion shopping bags would be approx. 21 300 tons of plastic.

    The amount of petroleum required to make these bags is around 157 thousand barrels or 0.047% of the total yearly petroleum consumed in Australia in 2006.

  3. These should be a world wide ban on these.

    I have reuse bags from Ikea and Home Depot, if not I use extra boxes from the store.  Each plastic bag can make a car go for a mile worth of fuel.  Please stop using them.

  4. You should be asking how much crude is needed to make 4 bil. supermarket bags.  Plastics are processed from Petroleum.


  5. plastic saves trees, it`s sure is hard too make people happy now days

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