
How many tons you save by recycling?

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How many tons you save by recycling?




  1. Recycling means all green waste.....newspaper , weeds , grass clipping , food waste going into my compost bin .

    This generates saves me driving a car to buy fertiliser which has been packaged and transport to the garden centre .

    Recycling means collecting seeds from my vegetables and replanting them . This means I don't drive to shop for vegies , saving fuel and money .

    Recycling means using rainwater rather than it going to waste .How much man power and energy does it take to build dams , set up filtration plants and control water quality from the mains ?

    Millions of tons of greenhouse gas is saved by recycling

  2. not alot,recycleing usually means that objects are melted down to make new objects such as with cans etc.although this uses less energy than the origional production it is still energy inefficient.Re-using as with glass jars and bottles uses far less energy so is much better.Trust me I live in a tree


  3. a million

  4. about  3 tons.

  5. Tons of what? its just another con.  If you reduce what you use and then reuse every bit of what's left then there isnt the need to recycle, which in my opionion is a last resort.

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