
How many toys do your kids have?

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How much is too much. Any thoughts? I have a three year old and I was wondering what is enough....what is too much. What are your experiences? I also have a friend who only keeps a bare minimum of toys for her child. She is always getting rid of toys and thinks kids do not need much to play with. In my experience, my daughter plays with an array of toys at different times, but definitely not all of them.....any ideas???????




  1. we rotate tos at my house............I store some in tubs and keep out a couple shelves of toys to play with. Every couple months i change the toys on the shelves.

    If we keep all the toys out it is just too much of a can't find the pieces that go with this or that  and the toys room over welms me when i go in to clean it.

    I believe all kids should have a bike thats there size, a trampoline, a swing set, sandbox and blow up pool.

  2. tooo much

  3. well i have 3 young kids. and loads of toys. pay attention to what she plays with. b4 every birthday and christmas i pay attention to what they play with and i go threw and pick out what they dont play with. they never even notice the stuff is gone. so that way when the new toys come in the old unused ones go out. they never really know they are gone....might not work when she gets older but it works for my friends 7 year old still. good luck i hope this helps

  4. My 4 yr old has quite the assortment of toys, thanks largely in part to her grandmother. I have a rule that when something comes in, something goes out & she chooses a toy to go in our "donate box." before playing with her new toy. I have always wanted her to know from a very young age that not every child has a family that can afford to spoil them rotten with toys.We also go through her toy collection once every 3 months as well as right before birthdays & christmas. For the most part I let her pick & choose what stays & what she would like to give to another little girl or boy. Id say if its something your child hasnt played with regularly for 3-6 months, then it should be given away. But I dont think theres any set amount of "not enough toys" or "too many toys", as long as you have a place to store them all.

  5. the toy store is definitely at our home. it is up to you and your child. if you feel the need to get rid of or replace toys do what you feel.

  6. I have 2 kids, a girl whos 4, my son is 3. They have a bedroom full of toys (playroom) We have alot. All up I reckon we could have 20 kids over and they would have a box of toys on their own. But we have had the money to do so. My daughter is starting school next year and then she wont need to have as many toys, They dont stay kids for long, and they love playing with mummy and daddy with all their toys, so I really dont think there should be any limits. Kids have what parents can afford, so some have more then others

  7. i have got oodles of toys all threw the house , but i keep some of them put up and bring out every couple weeks . this way he thinks there are new and will play . when he gets bored with those i put them up and bring back out the next batch . and so on and so on .

    between family buying and myself , which i am sure it's the same for yourself , it's easy to accumalate toys !!!

  8. My daughter has too many, lol. Not really though- she has her own room, so she has two big toys(dance n play singing stage thing and an activity table) quite a few chairs, lol, and one large mesh Dora toybox full of the smaller stuff. As well as a whole shelf of books. I just went through teh toybox and removed all the toys designed for under a year of age, so we weeded them out quite nicely. Unless it's a favorite, I think it's appropriate to just keep age appropriate toys on hand. As they get older, the toys get more expensive, so I just buy less with the same budget. Good luck!

  9. Way too many toys.  It's true, they only need or use a few at a time, and I find they spend more quality play time when there are less toys to distract them.  I would love to down-size the toys in our house... a couple of small bins is enough.

    And stuffed animals... don't even know where to put them, there are so many.

  10. If you are wanting to get rid of some toys which most parents do, then have your daughter help you.  Nothing fascinates kids more than knowing they helped make decisions.  The question about if you have too many is who knows?  My kids have so so so many toys it is ridiculous and they definitely do not play with them all.  That is why we got rid of some and when they helped they thought it was pretty cool.  And they loved the idea that since they had extra space in their room that we would make it into a craft corner for better learning experiences.

  11. my son has ALOT!!!

    he has a room full of them, he doesn't play with all of them all the time.

    sometimes I think he evan gets bored with them.

    He rather go to the park

    or run around outside with other kids.

    Maybe he gets bored with so many toys becuase he's an only child.

    I think everyone has their own opinions about how many toys a kid should have but for me there's no limit. I think kids should have all the toys that they could possibly have. I think they need to enjoy their childhood as much as they can.

    Some might think I'm just spoiling my kid but I don't think of it that way, I just want my son to have a wonderful childhood and have everything I can give him.

  12. My kids have a playroom full of toys my Hubby tells me ALL the time to get rid of them! I am excited about the answers that will be givin!

  13. Why worry too much about it?  

    Bottom line for me is if your child gets everything (or most things) that they want or ask for, that's too much because then they're spoiled and will never learn the value of money or how to save and make good use of it.

  14. I keep them to a minimum...when he gets something new I take away an old one..also on holidays I take all the old ones and put up in the closet. Weeks later when he is bored I pull down some of the old ones and they seem new again.

    When they get older they will not remember the toys they had but will remember the time you spent with them.

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