
How many troops and civilians lives were damaged or killed and how many abortions were there in comparasion?

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There is all talk of abortion and killing , what about all the troops lives damaged and killed for a war that should not have waged and people want us to believe cons care about human life?




  1. Well, you aren't allowed to have the war and abortion in the same question...TRUST me, it will get reported and deleted....not by me though, so don't worry.

    There are hundreds of thousands more abortions in the US alone each year.  rather than spend the money on free abortion clinics, how about free condoms?  LOL

  2. No one has any idea what you are asking. Think about your questions beforehand next time before you post.  

  3. 3,700 reported abortions a day, 1.35 million a year

    And how many lives were saved by the invasion of Iraq? Tens of thousands.

  4. 3,000 soldiers were killed in Iraq since the war began. 300,000 abortions have been performed during that time.  

  5. Wow is see this question a lot.

    First of all, Saddam killed a lot of people, he, along with his sons, would have kept killing if he was still in power.

    Lets look at WWII when we dropped 2 big bombs on Japan, if i remember correctly about 300,000 people died. So we shouldn't have dropped the bombs... if we didn't, that means America would have had to send troops onto Japan's main island. Before you think that is no big deal, on Iwo Jima, Japanese soldiers were told that they were not going to leave that island alive, they were told before they died, they had to kill 10 Americans. If we would have gone to the big island, there would have been a lot more Japanese soldiers fighting to the death. So possibly, dropping the bomb saved lives

    and invading Iraq may have saved lives. Saddam was a ruthless killer, don't forget that.  

  6. They do care just ask Rushbo the great.  

  7. The Military men and women who have or are now fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Du far or where ever the United States sends them have a silent voice that we should echo on their behalf. Its appalling to hear and read about stories of Walter Reed, families losing their homes, wives and children unable to get proper medical treatment or other resources necessary for basic needs. Our nations requires them to lay down their lives if necessary; why can't we step up to the plate for them while they are on mission and when they return?

  8. there have been more abortions that the number of people killed by the n***s.

  9. WW 1 cost about 10-12 million

    WW 2 cost 50-60 million

    American Civil War with 618,000 deaths

    Total abortions from1973 to 1998 -- 38,010,378

    This is not factoring in all the wars from biblical on up through the ages...just those three you can see, there is nowhere near as many abortions.

  10. the cons want to wait for you to get 18 before they lie you into a war and get you  killed  or crippled for life

  11. 3,000 babies die a day because of abortion. you do the math. the troops in iraq know the risks, and they risk their LIVES for the love of our country. they fight for the future, and if we're killing our future, which is our children, then are they fighting for nothing? Love the troops. Love the babies.

  12. I see your argument, but the Conservatives are going to reem you with statistics. This is like a piece of fresh meat for attack dogs to lunge at.

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