
How many tylenol sleeping pills can I take without causing liver damage?

by  |  earlier

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Could I take 4? I'm 5'7, 117 pounds, female and 20.




  1. 2 yo.  

  2. take 20 i do it and watch dora the explorer

  3. Take 2 and that's it. Your BMI has nothing to do with it, you might have a weak heart or even be having a bad day - just stick with two.  

  4. Take ONLY what the dosage says on the container. Anymore than they advise is dangerous.....

    Be safe and dont take any chances - 2 will help you sleep , no more than the 2 okay?.....

    Take Care.

  5. take 2-4 pills and that's it no more

  6. the tyleno comercial says that they would rather you not take the product if you wont follow the dosage on the package so use 2 and if that doesnt help then you might need something other than an over the counter sleep aid like unisom or something  

  7. Four should be fine. I took 23 trying to kill my self and I just felt like c**p the next day and nothing else happend. I did have blood testes done to check everything out.

  8. the reccomended dosage is the best. you wouldnt want to overdose, and then never wake up..

  9. I would go with the recommended dosage...which is 2 pills for adults.

  10. Don't take any. Why do you wan't to?

  11. yah you could take 4 just drink tons of water and No alcohol.

  12. Please only take them according to the directions, which is 2 max. Don't take 4 - it could really mess with your system, especially since you're so small.

  13. Only take 2.  That's 1000 mg of Tylenol and 50 mg of diphenhydramine.  That's a hefty dose.  If they aren't working, talk to your doctor about getting alternative sleep medication.

    By the way, Tylenol a pain medication.  If you don't have pain, you don't need to take it.  Diphenhydramine is simply generic Benadryl.  It's an allergy medication, but drug companies found it is a nice sleep medication.  Sooo... they slapped a high-priced brand name on it and are now selling it in the sleep aid section too under names like Unisom.

    If you decide to choose Benadryl/Unisom (diphenhydramine), and it isn't working, Unisom also makes another sleep aid (generic name is Doxylamine succinate - watch the doses... it's slightly different than diphenhydramine).

    If THAT doesn't work, talk to your doctor about getting a prescription medication.

    The maximum limit is 4000 mg of Tylenol per day.  That isn't the "Oh, the doctors SAY I should only take 4000 mg, but I can take more."  That is the maximum amount determined by scientific studies.  If you get prescription doses of medication with Tylenol in it, your pharmacist will say no more than 4000 mg per day. Over that, and you'll probably see liver damage.

    By the way, don't listen to the girl who said she took 23 and was fine.  Tylenol is one of those pills that can kill you in high doses, and it does it slowly.  Death by liver damage isn't the way you want to go.

  14. It depends how many millligrams the tablet is.  Read the label on the bottle!

  15. You know they sell those exact pills without the tylenol in them. They would be in the sleep aid section.  

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