
How many umpires in any sport need lessons on umpiring and eye glasses?

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How many umpires in any sport need lessons on umpiring and eye glasses?




  1. In Rugby League in oz.....Sean Hempstead

  2. the one's that were umpiring in the storm bronco's game... in the end i thort it was the storm versing the umpires & bronco's... not the broncos fault, they are a great team its just the umpiring decisions that made the game unenjoyable. All those umpires need to be equiped with magnifying glasses glued to their heads... as for the video referee's there is no excuse they have heaps of looks at it!! bad luck storm contenders for the 2007 premership

  3. It is a difficult task umpiring, they do not so much need glasses but more sets of them.   They can only call what they see and I think that they do an awesome job considering that they will never receive praise for what they do so I congratulate anyone with the determination to take on such a role as I would never like to put up with the abuse that they do.

  4. all storm supporters need eyewear  who r all short sighted and all need to get over it

  5. . ................. they all need ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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