
How many universes are there?

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How many universes are there?




  1. To loosely quote Bill Clinton, "It depends on what the definition of is is."

    THE universe is everything that is. That could include every person's imagination, and some of our imaginations include infinite other universes. The physical universe is everything that has a physical existance, whether we can detect it or not.

    When I refer to OUR universe, I mean everything that has a physical reality between the scale of the ether and the scale of the cosmos. I believe our universe is infinite in extent, though we can only see a finite portion of it. Our visible universe is that part of our universe within about 13.7 billion light years (though I expect major revisions of that number in the future).

    In my Fractal Foam Model of Universes, I envision an infinite number of universe of vastly different scales, all occupying the same space. Our cosmic foam (walls of galaxies surrounding voids) is the ether foam of a super-universe, and our ether foam is the cosmic foam of a sub-universe. The portion of the sub-universe contained in a cubic meter of our universe might contain a googol times as many sub-universe galaxies as the galaxies of our own visible universe.

    The cosmic foam of the super-universe is the ether foam of a super-duper-universe. The sequence extends infinitely in both directions.

    There are other theories which claim every possible past and every possible future of our universe exist in the same space. None of this can ever be proven, but it may help to explain some experimental results.

  2. There is only one universe that we know of.  With our current technology, we can't detect what might be outside our universe.  There might be more of our universe, empty space, more universes, or something we have no concept of at this time.

    Universe is actually defined as everything that exists everywhere.  If we find something else in the future, that definition may need to be revised.

  3. As far as modern science knows there's only one universe and that's the one we live in. Lots of speculation about other universes, but so far no proof that they exist.

  4. The fact is our world is still trying to find more about Universe we can't tell it because our technology is still lacking & we are not having that much technolgy currently..

  5. In the book called "Steven Hawkings the universe" it says our universe  770 supervigintioctingentillion super clusters 1 super cluster 20 billion galaxies in each direction making our universe a finite giant balloon like the boundries of the earth. But infinite other universes come to make the multiple universes come together to make up the alternate universe multiple alternate universe  mega universe multiple mega universe super mega universe, super muliple mega universe, ultra universe multiple ultra universe ,ultra multiple ultra universe, ultra multi ultra universe which make up a  multiverse. which atoms or negative  infinity a neutron proton or elctron of an atom a in negative infinity of that is a multiverse those atoms are of a grain of sand which infinite atoms make up this sand grain of the sand is of the cosmic desert wich goes on in every direction whitout end in any place which make up cosmic deserts.

  6. As for now, science only considers only one, the one where we are now at. But other scientists have concluded that the existence of other "universes" through their theories. One such famous theory is the theory about the existence of other universes at the other side or dimension of a blackhole which serves as a portal

  7. One (as 'uni' in the name suggests).

    Otherwise, it would be a "multiverse."

  8. according to M-theory (one of the super string theories), there are infinitely many parallel universes (and 11 dimensions). see &

    M-theory is a very strong theory but hasn't yet been completely accepted, because of lack of evidence of existence of these strings. i recommend u watch the documentary " The elegant Universe" by Brian Greene or read the book with the same name. its a entertaining video/book and u will certainly get your answer.

  9. There is one and we are it.

      Anything not in this universe does not exist.

  10. There is only one universe right now and theres millons of galaxies. But there may be more universes out there but i doubt we will ever no in our life time

  11. one. but it's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, big

  12. Just one.  That's why it is called a UNIverse.  This notion of multiverses and parallel universes is new-age, pseudoscientific nonsense.  It's idle speculation which has received way too much attention.  It's a pointless claim to discuss because if there were other universes, we could never know about them.  If we discovered something more than we thought existed, then that would just be a new discovery in *this* universe.

    You will find that the subject wears thin very quickly.  There is no way to verify or refute anything.  It's like religion.  Only in this case, the belief serves no purpose at all.

  13. Good question.  I wouldn't exactly put it as pseudoscientific nonsense as someone else put it though.  Fact is we have no idea.  Only since the acquisition of technology relatively recently have we started to uncover the mysteries of the universe.  And believe me, it has only raised more questions than answers.  There are a lot of theories out there today and my advice would to keep an open mind.  Some believe time and gravity are directly related to each other and if you put enough mass in one location you can actually tear a hole in space time, hence a black hole.  It could lead to another universe, another point in time in this universe or it could lead nowhere.  It is impossible to tell because if one were to travel  in to a black hole one couldn't return.  Keep in mind this is all simply theory and is in no way proven.  Just keep your eyes open and maybe one day we will find the answer.

  14. there is ONE known UNIverse. that is why it it called UNI-verse. but there could be an infinite number

  15. One that we know of.  This one.  There are theories that there may be others, but no proof.  We can't see outside our own universe to check.

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