
How many vacation days do people get who work at large corporations?

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Such as Microsoft Corporation and Boeing? (I mean entry level people or people with up to 5 years experience)




  1. It varies.  My last job I got  3 weeks vacation, this one I get four.  My buddy gets 5.  

    It depends on the company and sometimes you can negotiate more vacation time over salary.

  2. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it varies by service time.  At large corporations, the average person gets 8 paid holidays a year.  Vacation time, on average, ranges from 9 days for employees with 1 year of service time to 19 days for employees with 25 years or more.

    It also varies by job, with white collar workers getting more days than shop floor or administrative employees.

    For a better breakdown, check out the BLS publication, tables 19, 20, and 21 here:

  3. About 10 vacation days plus the standard holidays.

  4. Were I work you receive between 17 and 19 days of paid vacation a year when you have worked for the company for up to 5 years.

  5. I'm entry level people with no experience and no college degree at a Fortune 500 company.

    I got 10 days vacation to start, as well as 3 days personal time that can be taken in hourly increments.

    I also have 10 sick days, and 2 days of paid Dr. days to be taken in hourly increments for Dr appointments..

    There is also Permission Morale, which a father can take when his wife has a child. Paid Sick Family if an immediately family member is ill.

    It's endless, the amount of paid days off you get.

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