
How many vicodin can a person take at one time befor an overdose happens?

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How many vicodin can a person take at one time befor an overdose happens?




  1. Depends on the person. Stop abusing Vicodin!

  2. I would only take any medication as it is prescribed to me

  3. anything over the prescribed amount is considered an overdose.

  4. It depends on the user's body mass and the effect the drug has on them. Usually acute overdoses happen within 10 grams and fatality occurs at over 15. Which is a large amount of pills.

    Also. Nicmic. She never said she was abusing Vicodin. She was asking a question and wanted an answer, not to be harassed and judged. Assume nothing when information is not provided. It's impolite and just d**n right mean to yell at people to stop being a druggie when you know nothing about them.

  5. Depends entirely on tolerance and body mass.  My mother used to take 6-8 at a time to try and control her pain.  She died of a stroke...but it wasn't related to the vicodin.  She had been off the vicodin for months before the stroke (which was due to a long history of hypertension and diabetes)

  6. Vicodin 5/500 max dose is 8 tablets/day. This is based on the acetaminophen portion of Vicodin (max dose of acetaminophen is 4 g per day). Hydrocodone by itself does not have an established maximum dose. This doesn't mean that you can't overdose on it, it just means that each patient's response is different - some will begin to experience toxicity before others, some will need more to alleviate pain.

  7. why do you ask?  

    that sounds like an awesome good time tho, take a bunch of vicodin, pass out, wake up in the er to an ng tube being stuck down your nose and then there's the activated charcoal...mmm mmmm mmmm, good times...that is if you don't stop breathing and your heart doesn't go into asystole.  If you stop breathing and go into asystole then there is the broken ribs from CPR chest compressions.  Then when they get a shockable rythem well then there is the joys of being shocked.  

    I see this in the er, looks likes a great time.

  8. I heard 10, but I would never take that is always good enough...two if the pain is really bad or you wanna get high.

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