
How many violations on Yahoo Answers have you received?

by  |  earlier

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And if you have, what were they for? Best answer awarded on highest amount of violations and best reasons.

I have received 3. One was appealed and I won. It was about the feminization of men in the United States. It was flagged and then put back up as it didn't violate any terms. I think it made men angry lol. One was for insulting a questioner, which I did and she deserved it. I would do it again. I subsequently got her question removed : ) My latest one was for an answer in which I joked about eating cats and dogs. I guess that somehow violates terms of service but is legal in some states.

So how many violations and what for?




  1. i had a violation for criticizing the B A T F E's actions at W A C O.

  2. 0 :P

  3. 0

  4. WAY too many to count, but obviously not enough to get suspended  

  5. I once got a question removed which asked if people if they preferred answers from peoples experience or quotes from web-sites. I still don't get whats wrong with that.

  6. A lot, but I don't keep count. When you're elite OT 5 like me, they don't really suspend you much.

  7. i got 2

    once i called the asker immature cuz he asked what race would it be better to be

    and the other

    because i wrote song lyrics on an answer and didn't answer anything

    so yeah im a yahoo anarchist



  8. I've only gotten one and it was for answering a question about a PC problem with "Your problem is you have a PC. Solution: get a mac" and apprently he didn't like that so he reported me. I thought it was hilarious that he's so bitter that he has a $h!tty computer. :)

  9. 3 or 4 but i've also had two violations for questions. Its usually because i swear at the user cause they're stupid

  10. I don't know, i've blocked the email from where they come from!

  11. 7

  12. lol like 10.  

  13. I have had a couple but none that violated the guidelines (I see plenty that do and I never report)  

  14. well i got reported twice for my answers...someone reported me last night cause i answered idk...i was pissed but hopefully the yahoo ppl will come to a sense and post it right back cause i mean a lot of ppl answer with idk...but o well lets just wait and see.  

  15. Waaay too many

  16. God knows.

  17. one, because some ****** reported me because i reposted "head on apply directly to the forehead" a zillion times.

    it was MY question, i was asking what was up with that commercial.


  18. I have 1 that I got last night!  Mine was about sexual stuff that I guess upset people.  I spoke about male & female turn ons and stuff.  The question was what turns on a guy.  Who knew I would get one for stating my mind about what turns a guy on!  

    I didn't know that anyone would be offended by what I said and I really didn't care if they were but it was obviously bad enough to make my response disappear!

  19. about 7

  20. Over 30, I got trolled for a while. Also I got some cause of my sarcastic answers

  21. I called a guy a "inappropriate name" and got banned.

  22. None.

  23. About 100.  

  24. about four... three of which i deserved because i said "fack you racist c*nt" or something similar. but the other one was just stupid. i said something that could very very slightly be regarded as the opposite of american public opinion and it was pulled.

    kess my ash yahoo states of whatever.

  25. 45 and counting

  26. i've had like 3 accounts suspended. sissy liberals...

    now i'm on my best behavior though.

  27. One violation for saying >who cares?< about a stupid myspace question about the guy/girl being really stalkish.

  28. 16 sraight times in a row

  29. None, I'm a goody two shoes. Te he. Lalalala, *Skips off into the sunset saying, "Lalala..."*

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  30. 0 out of 500 ish

  31. Clearly people are going to lie about the amount they've received for 10 points. lol

    I myself have received about a dozen.

    One that was my honest opinion was

    "do you think obama is the anti christ"?

    and I replied with No I think it's the pope.

    Honestly I think it is!

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