
How many visitors would on average attend a world championship golf tournament?

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In Scotland, on a course which has never before hosted a championship.




  1. I know the Open events are very popular.

    The only figure I found quickly online was "Over 200,000 crowd expected to flock to Royal Troon Golf Club, Scotland"

    That would be over the four days.

  2. You have limited the answer to many unknown factors. How is the course laid out? Are there transportation facilities to the sight? Are there hotels to accomodate spectators? Are there vantage points where bleachers can be erected to accomodate viewers? Is the site close to heavily populated areas? The major tournaments in the United States usually limit attendance depending on the site. The Masters sells 35,000 admissions per day. Very few sell more than 50,000 and those would have several bleacher sites to seat spectators.

  3. the NHL last year had 100,000 at an outdoor game in the Buffalo Bills Stadium. and i think the best golf will get is like 100 too 200 people

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