
How many voilations do you have to get before your account is deleted?

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My account was deleted today. Yes, very sad. I had some good times with it. How many voilations do you have to get to be deleted. Do you agree that a question/answer needs more than 2 reports to be deleted? I know that I have had completely innocent questions deleted just because someone doens't like me. I know that many of you also have that happen too.




  1. I don't know.  the violations and appeals process is eriously flawed.  I copped a violation for insulting another user when I called him a racist and borderline illiterate for insulting just about anybody that wasn't from his ethnic background and his question was seriously rude.  Trust me also, it wass eriously illiterate, and that criticism should be able to stand without it being taken as a personal insult.  The complaint was upheld by the Y!A violation n***s.

    Personalities do enter into it too.  This makes it even harder, becaise you can get hunted down by certain people.  I have one at the moment who swears that she will lie in waiting to expose me as a "hate-monger Brit" (her words), and then proceeded to level all sorts of insultingly purile charges at me and British people.  Well, my view is that this is hypocritical.

    Keep strong.  I don't come on here to censure questions with which I happen to disagree (though I have reported two questions (ever) for sheer indecency and rudeness.  I put my views, and have no issue with those who think otherwise, s o long as I am granted the same courtesy.

  2. it seems like it depends upon the strength of the two peoples accounts

    how many violations, depends upon the type of violations

    was a level six, TC and on the top answers board....1 violation on a rape q pulled the account

  3. Nobody really knows.  That theory that two people reporting a question is an automatic deletion isn't always true either.  I reported one a while back on another forum, and another person said they did too, and it's still there.  Then there are times when a question or answer gets deleted almost as soon as it hits the boards.  I had an answer reported literally within about 2 minutes of it being posted yesterday and it was removed.  I can't believe it got bombarded that fast.  

    I'm not a big fan of the whole reporting system.  I understand why we have it, but it definitely needs some work.  There's no consistency to it.  That's why I hardly ever report stuff (5 or 6 times total across all of Yahoo I think).

  4. It seems to be a result of getting several violations in a short space of time. A good strategy would be to use two or three accounts so you can spread them out.

    Also, (1) asking questions exposes you more and (2) if you have a more established account you can take more "hits" before getting deleted.

  5. For me it is when I get close or just above level 4. I am just about there, so I will lose mine soon.

  6. with your penchant for setting back the female gender a hundred years or so, i'm not surprised you got deleted.

    it's sad, but still not surprising.

    plus, you already had a second account when it happened, right? so no harm done.

    i've had a million questions deleted. that's why i stopped asking for the most part. censorship is rarely a good thing.

  7. I don't know - but if two people report a question (or one person on two accounts) then it's deleted.  Regarding accounts - Y/A policy seems to be very unclear and confused - whatever they want seems to be the only rule.

    Sorry you got your account deleted :-(

  8. I dunno.  I can only say that it is a blessing that I still have mya ccount lol..but..yeah...I dunno.

  9. It takes two or more 'reliable' reports to delete a contribution, and more than 2 or 3 violations of TOS to suspend your account.

    It's unfortunate that your account got deleted. What can I say? Remember, 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'. You will live, lol !

    Don't back down, and continue doing what you are. You don't have to change your opinions just to keep your account active.

    Good luck !

  10. I don't know how many you need but I think if you get more than 2 people reporting your questions or answers then it gets deleted. That's why some people have multiple accounts so they can get rid of someone they don't like, sucks!

  11. I have no idea...I'm sorry your account got deleted today though :(

  12. i'm not sure how many violations. i'm surprised i'm still here. i get violations all the time. maybe it has to do with the content but you don't come across as vulgar.

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