
How many ways can five friends sit a dinner table(in five seats)?

by Guest56104  |  earlier

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how many ways can five friends sit a dinner table(in five seats)? answer and explain how u did it




  1. because there are five choices for who sits in the first seat, then only 4 remaining choices for who sits in the second seat, etc (losing one seat and one standing friend each time someone sits down)

    And the total choices is the product of the individual choices.

    5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

    keep remembering that each friend can pick any of the remaining seats, and while it doesn't matter the order in which your friends are allowed to choose, they end up taking turns choosing anyway.

    AND, of course, if your friends are polite, they will take the seat nearest them every time, so there will really only be a single seating pattern :-)

  2. Five friends, five seats.

    The first friend goes to sit down. They have a choice of 5 seats to sit down on.

    Then the second friend sits down. He only has 4 seats to choose from.

    Then then third friend sits down. He only has 3 seats to sit on

    Then the fourth friend sits down. He only has 2 seats to choose from. Finally the last friend sits down on the last chair.

    So, to find how many ways there are, we multiply 5*4*3*2*1, = 120. This can be also written as 5! (5 factorial). So there are 120 ways that they could sit down.

  3. 5*4*3*2*1=120 ways

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