
How many webkinz do you have i have 92!!!!!?

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How many webkinz do you have i have 92!!!!!?




  1. Yes, but can you name them all?

  2. I've got two.

  3. NONE

  4. I've got one.

  5. i have 137!!!!!!

  6. I love webkinz. I started playing last year. You have alot! I have like 8. Add me! jjcc12.

  7. my sister twins Natasha and Lacy together have 208 ( and they remember all of there names )


  8. Ihave 5 I also have a friend that has more then 30!!!!!!!!!

  9. Between me, my daughter, son and husband we have 6.  I don't know how you people keep with with having so many.

  10. i have 00000000000

    because webkinz are lame

  11. I have 51. I can name them all and tell you what breed they are all in order from my first to last. I would write them all but it takes longer to type than to say.

  12. wow i thought my brother had alot...he has like 50 something

    do you realize thats almost $1000 you could've spent on something else that might actually be useful later in life?

  13. omg lolz do u relie have 92!!!!!!! thats so kewl i have lke 17,345,523 last time i chekd lololo o1l !! dat is so kewl will  yewh b ma friendddddd lozl !!!!! !1 :D :D :D



  14. 92?! How the heck do u have 92?!

  15. i have none!

  16. I have 14 and will be getting my 15th next week. lol!

  17. 92!?!   i only have 6!!!

    i have a golden retriever named Dixie

    a Dalmatian named waggles

    a monkey named coco

    a pig named oinkers

    an elephant named tusk

    and a hippo named muffin!!!

  18. OMG thats alot!!! I have 2!! lol 8-)

  19. none but one of my friends has like 5.


  20. i have 65. wow 92 is a lot!!

  21. i have 54

  22. I have 25 but I have sheep and we sell them ever year so im going to buy 6 this year!

    I will buy these webkinz:

    Yellow Lab

    Chocolate Lab

    Black Lab

    Pink Googles



    My username on webkinz is catgirl2014

    ADD ME

  23. wow! i only have one! hey be my friend. i am taptoetwirler. ok? please. ill get on in about thirty minutes

  24. what nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha, lol, my siblings have them!!! but i don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  25. I have all of them no joke like i started when they first came out and everytime a new one would come out i would get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They were veryyyy hard to name!!!lol!!! well l8ter!!!!!!!!!

  26. i have 41

  27. 1,312

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