
How many webkinz?

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I just want to know how many webkinz there are all together. Because I thought there were only like 46 or 45 but my cousing has 98 and her friend has 117 so how many are there really?




  1. there are currently  125

  2. there are like more than 100 and counting lil kinz.

  3. 127 Total

    85 Large Webkinz

    42 Lil 'Kinz

  4. 127

  5. 200

  6. they probbly have doubles

  7. Well, there are a total of 85 webkinz and 41 lil' kinz.

    all together there are 126 total. But, also, your cousin and her friend may have doubles, meaning that they could have two cheaky monkeys or something.

  8. like maybe 150 200 100 something liike that

  9. idk i have like 59! one of my freinds has 100 and she only has 2 doubles. heres mine:

    Pug- Ari

    B&W Cat- Taz

    Lil' Panda- Tai Shan

    Googles- Noodle

    Beagle- Shiloh

    Raccoon- Meeko

    Peagusus- Misty

    Clydesdale- Bud

    lil' Loin- Lenny

    Black Lab- Duke

    Bull Dog- Rex

    Huskey- Mia

    Dalmation- Lucky

    Frog- Froggy

    Polar Bear- Icicle

    Persain Cat- Kelli


    Leopard- Thomas

    Cocker Spaniel- Sunny

    Koala- Steve

    Pink Poodle- Cotton Candy

    Poodle- Snowball

    Tiger- Sally

    Pig- Rosy

    Bull Frog- Oliver

    lil' Rabbit- Marshmallow

    Alley Cat- Ali

    Elephant- Dumbo

    lil' White Terrier- Daisy

    Black Stallion- Flika

    lil' G&W Cat- Mittens

    lil Hippo- Bubbles

    Black Cat- Jinx

    Golden Retreiver- Joey

    Sptted Frog- Henry

    German Shepard- Bear

    Chocolate Lab- Junior

    Black Bear- Barry

    Yellow Lab- Taylor

    Reindeer- Dasher

    Collie- Lassie

    Charcoal Cat- Charlotte

    lil' Penguin- Mumble

    lil' St. Bernard- Betoveen

    Seal- Bazooka

    Tiger Snake- Kaa

    Duck- Miley

    Bengal Tiger- Shere Khan

    Pink Pony- Anna

    Brown Dog- Toby

    lil' Mouse- Mozzarella

    Velvety Elephant- Horton

  10. Your cousin and her friend have more than one of each kind, so that is why they have so many. There are 85 webkinz and  42 lil kinz. All together, there are 127 webkinz and lil kinz.

  11. current webkinz-63

    current lil kinz-27

    retired webkinz-19

    futrue webkinz-12

  12. including lil kinz, and limited edition, 127 altogether. there are 85 regular and 42 lil kinz.

  13. 129 including little kinz along with web kinz
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