
How many weeks after abortion should u get a period??

by  |  earlier

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just wanna know im on ma 5th week aafter, but did bleed for bout 2 weeks




  1. It all depends on how your body works and reacts to something like abortion, its pretty hard on your body so it takes a while for you to get back to normal.

    It can take up to 12 weeks, if after 12 you still have no period then you should go to your doctors and they can give you something it make it come.

    Most people usually bleed for 2-4 weeks after an abortion so dont worry you are perfectly normal, if you bled for 2 weeks that means that your body is getting back to normal quite quickly so you should expect one soon.

    Dont listen to any of the nasty commens you have probably got from this, it was your decision, I dont know why so many people on here feel its ok to harass people when they ask questions to do with abortion.

  2. It can take some time for periods to return to normal.  Make sure you're using effective contraception as the cervix is still open.

    To those calling her a 'baby killer' - GIVE IT A REST, WILL YOU?

  3. Emma B is right, it can take a couple of months to get the hormones out of your system, so don't panic too much, just be very careful because you'll be very fertile right now.  

    Please ignore all the selfish comments from people who don't know you or your situation, you are a person and make you own decisions for whatever reason.

    I wish you well for the future.

    Take care


  4. i had one two years ago i an still remember it now

    umm i was on straight aways after for about 3 weeks and then came of for about 3 weeks and then my after i had finished taking my tablets everything went back to normal and my periods were fine

    you should of came on straight after i did ???? maybe we had a different kind of abortion

    good luck whit everything don't worry your body will be back to normal in no time xx

  5. Even though I don't agree I will help you. I had a miscarriage and bleeded for 1 week. I got my period 8 weeks later. It was really heavy and had lots of tissue.

  6. Ignore JessJess, i personally havnt been through what you have, and I couldnt....but you any every other woman have a right to do what they think is right and what they need.

    I've heard, and i'm afriad only from reading other answers and things on the net that it can take up to a couple of months for your body to adjust again, its almost like you've given birth, your body has to get rid of the pregnancy hormaones and get back into routine.

    Dont strsss about it, just relax and wait for it to come, if you are concerned just pop and see your doctor

    After posting this i noticed alot more had abused you. Please ignore, what you have done you havnt gone into lightly, they have no right to judge, noone knows your reason behind it, and its none of their business!!

  7. ohh my god. she's asking an actual question, and everyone doesn't need to call her a "baby killer".

    you don't know why she got an abortion! might have been a good reason. i don't agree with abortion just because you don't want the baby [which is wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself], but if there's an actual reason..such as you couldn't support the baby and the baby would die, even yourself, THAT'S a reason to get an abortion.

    i don't know why she got an abortion, but whatever the reason, why can't we just answer the question?

    honestly. and if you don't know the answer, dont even look at the question.

    anyway hun, i think its about 6 weeks or so. depends.

  8. Hugs to you hon, I hope your feeling ok. You should be getting your period anyday now...if you dont start bleeding within 8 weeks, call up the clinic or if your worried call them today.

    To all of you christian of all are going to burn...I pray for you.

  9. Wheres the Abortion section of Yahoo Answers??? This isnt it.

  10. this is something you should have asked the doctor that performed the abortion

  11. Don't listen to any of these people. Its a woman's choice, and I am sure you are dealing with your own emotions, don't let some idiots ruin your day.

    After mine,I bled for about 3 weeks. I went on birth control that same day, OrthoTricycln Lo. Had my period about 6 weeks after. Then didn't have another because I was pregnant again. On BC.

    Hope you are feeling ok, and just remember you did it for your own reasons, and joe smoe on the internet doesn't know your situation.

  12. Why are you asking in the PREGNANCY section where there are mothers that are pregnant and want to keep their babies?

    If you must insist asking total strangers on the internet, go to the HEALTH section or better yet, call the dr.

  13. Im not really sure, but asking your doctor would be the best

  14. first of all ignore thease little minded people plz they are not worth it it takes about six weeks after before euerythink gets back to normal im sure you had good reson which some people dont euen think off i had to haue a abortion my baby died in side of me at 5 1/2 months takecare xxxxxxxx

  15. Good god, the girl asked a simple question and you lot start a witch hunt!!!!!!!

    Your periods should return within 4-6 weeks after the abortion. If you are at all worried speak to your gp. They will not judge you unlike this lot

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