
How many weeks can you tell the gender...?

by  |  earlier

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my gf is having a baby and we both cant wait to find out the gender, i was wondering how manu weeks it is till she can find out aprox. she is 18 weeks at the moment.

also just while im here what do you think of the names Lucy Skye and Jack David (first and middle)

?? thanks :]


10 minutes




  1. Form 18 weeks on. I found out at 19. She will probably be scheduled for a scan at 20 weeks at a professional imaging clinic, you can find out then. The doctor dosen't usually order a scan again after that one (that scan is to make sure there are no defects or problems). The ob will probably have a machine and will use it at your routine checkups, but they often don't scan for the s*x..

    I like the names.

  2. she can actually find out now.. they give you a scan between 18-20 weeks to see if everything is ok and to tell you the s*x of the baby... and both of those names are beautiful... congrads

  3. I was told my baby was a girl at 16wks!

  4. Hello there. I was 19 weeks when i found out i was having a girl. But it is possible at 18 weeks if you get the right angle on the little one! Congrats! Good luck!


  5. An ultrasound is generally done during the 20-28 week range to find out the s*x of the baby.

    I think both of those names are wonderful :)

  6. I was told that from around 18 weeks you should be able to tell, although if you are relying on an ultrasound it still will depend on the position of the baby. There are some prenatal testing which involves DNA which can give you a definite gender, but these are usually only done if there is another reason to and finding out the gender is usually just a side benefit.

    But you will definitely find out from 38-42 weeks when the baby is born :)  

  7. about the 4th month

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