
How many weeks pregnant are you and how are you feeling?

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Due 10/18 with Baby Girl #1! - im due the day after you with a little boy! lol.




  1. 35 weeks feeling like c**p!!!!

    i have a huge pain in my pelvis and it SUCKS! really bad.... :(

    i have the feeling that this weeks will be eternal!... my baby is soooo big that i can barely stay standing for long periods of time....

  2. I am 12 weeks!!

    super excited!

    This will be my second baby.

    I feel horrible!!

    I feel nauseous all day, I can't really eat anything because I fell like throwing it up, I get sooo tired, I feel so weak sometimes I even feel like if I'm ready to faint!

    But it's worth it....I got a long 6 months to go and I can't wait.

  3. 34 weeks. tired from RLS (restless leg syndrome) and toddler. nausea from acid reflux, stressed from aforementioned toddler and the thought of dealing with 2 of them, moody to the point my husband is scared of me (though he won't admit it - just in case that sets me off), uncomfortable from HUMUNGOUS bump, backache, swollen feet and hands etc etc...

    Pretty c**p actually.

    Will be worth it in the end. I'm sure. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

  4. I'm only 4 1/2 weeks pregnant and I feel pretty good. I only have waves of nausea and I am more tired in the evenings. But this is my second pregnancy and so far there is less of the typical pregnancy symptoms for me... I'm still breastfeeding so that might be why! But it might be a little early too, who knows!?

  5. im 31 weeks 2days.....heartburn is soooo horrible, even gaviscon dont help sometimes... a glug of milk calms it 4 about 5 mins. cant decide what is worse... when i was being sick a few times a week or heartburn everyday!!  

  6. 38 weeks 3 days, and I'm soooo impatient. I feel like c**p all the time and I'm still working 40 hours a week. It's very exhausting.

    I want my baby girl to be here in my arms already!!

    And 3 days ago I had an ultrasound that said my baby is 8lbs 14oz already, so delivery should be fun.

    Good Luck everyone!!!  

  7. im 39 weeks and 6 days and NOT liking it one bit anymore!!

    my hips and pelvis feel like they are about to snap and if i dont get some sleep soon chances are ill be in prison for murder lol!!

    oooohh ooh, and if ONE more person i know asks me "have you had that baby yet?" i may have to choke them!

    Clearly im still the size of a small country so OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!

    apart from that, just peachy lol!  

  8. I am 16 weeks and I feel good. I get real tired and almost have to take a nap everyday but other than that I don't feel much different than I did before pregnancy. Oh and I feel big because I am bloated but I have not gained but 2 lbs and I still don't look pregnant just bigger.

  9. I'm 5 weeks and 3 Days ( after 4 years of trying and taking clomid ) Feeling sick, hungry but can't eat ( but i do eat ) I just can't wait till I'm 8 weeks to have a scan

  10. im due 18/10 with a baby girl and have everything u have said and my baby is very low gd lucky x

  11. 38 weeks, 5 days.  I feel exhausted and extremely hormonal.  In short, the remaining part of the pregnancy will not be fun.  

  12. 32 Weeks due 10/19 with a baby girl..I'm soooo anxious..My daughter is very active she moves all day and night...I'm having back pain and its very hard to get comfortable to sleep....But congrats!!

  13. 38 weeks on Wednesday. Feel like the size of a large elephant, unable to bend over without feeling like I am gonna go head first onto the floor! Tired all the time, fed up of being so massively huge. Heartburn everytime I eat, achy joints, unable to sleep!

  14. Im not pregnant but I sure do miss being pregnant. It is one of the most amazing things I have ever been through. I want to wish every one of you the very best of luck and congratulations and hope you all have wonderfull lives with your children.  

  15. I am 39 weeks and 5 days. No dilation or anything else that are signs of impending labor. Shes so low it hurts to sit down and the pressure on my joints in my hips is horrible because shes big! Everyone calls me a million times a day to ask me if its "time" yet.. like they just might miss out or something? Everyone who says enjoy the last few days and relax can frickin stuff it. There is no enjoyment in constant pain, discomfort, bathroom trips, hardly being able to walk, not being able to even bend over to put your own underwear on...

  16. heya, well I'm not pregnant because I'm only 13, but my sister is around 4 months now and is feeling fine at the moment. shes been taking lots of folic acid i think its called and lots of other vitamins which are helping. shes exercising more which help strengthen the muscles and help make a more comfortable birth as possible.

  17. nearly 37 weeks, thought i was in labour tonight but im not. feel c**p and huge

  18. 12w3d and I feel like a million bucks!  I didn't feel great the first 10 weeks but now I feel wonderful!  No more nausea and got my energy back.  Ya hoo!!!!  =)

  19. 37 1/2 and getting more inpatient by the hour. I've been having BH contractions, dilated to a 2, and back pain for the last 3 days. Can't wait for her to be here!

  20. 16w6d

    feeling pretty good today, justa little bit tired :)

  21. I'm 32 weeks and generally feeling alright but I'd love for this baby to come early! :-D

  22. 7 weeks and miserable, but I can't wait to be a mommy, so it's worth it.

  23. 35 weeks, and i feel like c**

    can't sleep , always tired , don't want to be touched or looked at the wrong way can barely get out of bed to use the bathroom during the night , i can't wait for him to pop out.. hehehehe

  24. 3 months heartburn all the time and cant eat anything with marinara sauce LOL

  25. I am 12 weeks pregnant and I feel find until 12 am everynight then I feel like I am about to pass out, are you preg if so how many weeks

  26. I am 36 weeks pregnant with twins.  I feel ok as long as I am sitting.  If I stand up for more than a couple of minutes my back hurts.  But if I sit for too long my feet begin to swell.  So I lay down, and when I lay on my back with my feet in the air for the swelling, then I can't breath.  So I roll to my side which is great for a little while until the arm under me goes to sleep and I have to roll back to the other side.   Then I can't stand it anymore and I have to get up...ever seen a turtle turned over on it's shell?  Yeah, that's me.  Then as soon as I stand up I feel like I have to pee like crazy.  Then I go....and there is a little trinkle.  But, I have to admit even with all this, I do love to feel them moving.  They are just getting heavy and I am so ready for them to be outside of me.  Oh yeah, and my poor dear husband.  He is so wonderful.  He has to help me put on pants and shoes and socks before work.  He helps me shave my legs before we go to the Dr.  He cooks supper alot, because I am so tired by then.  He washes and dries the clothes and brings them to me to fold.  He has even painted my toes.  But for some reason right before we go to bed I am such a *****.  I see all these things I think need to be done right then, and I am just nagging and nagging and nagging.  Then we lay down and I am thinking about how wonderful he is and how awful I am and I tell him I am sorry.  I tell him, "you are so wonderful honey, and I am so sorry I am bitchy sometimes.  I love you so much." And he says, "Awww honey, you are never a *****.  You are carrying both of my children.  There is nothing I would not do for you."  And then I am hormonal and emotional and stuff and I cry because I do not deserve this man or these blessings.  So all in all I am the luckies woman alive.

    I just want everyone to know that I love all your answers, especially you ladies who are further along and feeling like I do.  I have laughed and laughed.  This is a great question.

  27. I don't know if I am pregnant for sure yet or not but if I am I would be about 2 weeks along and I feel like c**p!!! Nauseous and tired and SO MOODY!

  28. 5 weeks. feel like have a sickeningg feeling in my belly. but feel likeI'mm  not even pregnant yet. just want things to hurry along.

  29. I am 24 weeks. I got terrible heartburn, backaches, can't sleep very well because I can't get comfortable, my nose is always stuffed, and I can't stand the heat. But when I think about my little one I feel so happy and nervous!. Can't wait!

  30. I am almost 30 weeks and feel great except it is soo hard to sleep at night!

  31. i'm 21 weeks and 2 days :)

    Going Okay Now! Having a little girl who will be named Leah !

    Me & her daddy can't wait until shes here though

    only 19 weeks to go ! ! !

    good luck to you & all the other moms to be!! <3


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