
How many weeks pregnant do you need to be to safely get out of "ectopic" zone?

by Guest63347  |  earlier

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For example, if a pregnancy makes it to 8 weeks, is there still a possibility of ectopic? 6 wks? 10 wks? What's the magic number?




  1. If a pregnancy is ectopic it has always been in the tube. (never making it to the uterus)  

  2. there is no getting out of an ectopic pregnancy. what results in an ectopic is that the egg does not make it out of the fallopian tubes into the womb. It will embed/implant itself into the fallopian tube or ovarian wall.

    if you are having an ectopic pregnancy you will know .. you will feel increased pain in the abdomen or lower back. once the egg has implanted which is usually i believe 1-2 weeks after conception of less, thats it. It's either normal or ectopic or something else. it does not move after implantation

  3. These answers are generally wrong. In MOST cases, you would be in horrible pain and know that you had an ectopic pregnancy. In my case, I was 10 weeks along, no bleeding, I was enjoying being pregnant and the only time I felt any pain whatsoever was when I was doing Tae-Bo, I had slight cramping in my left side so I stopped doing it. I took a shower one day and came out to find blood all over the towel, went to the hospital, and had immediate surgery because my tube had ruptured. No shoulder pain, no cramps, nothing, If I wouldn't have seen the blood I would have never known anything was wrong. You usually have pain, but I had none and I am not a person with a high pain threshold, so you don't always know.

    But the clues I overlooked that could have told me it was an ectopic were that I had absolutely no sore b*****s, no period-like cramps, and the pregnancy test took longer than it should have to show up positive. I was like two weeks late before it showed up positive and had taken several tests in the weeks prior that all came back negative. When it's a tubal, you make significantly less hormones than when it's implanted in your uterus, therefore the test doesn't show up positive as soon as it normally would and you don't usually have very strong morning sickness or other pregnancy symptoms.

    Thank God that the baby in my tube was already dead when they removed it because the whole time in the hospital, all I could think of was that I had a baby in my body whose heart was beating and they were getting ready to cart me off and destroy it, but they let me know it had no heartbeat which made me feel 1000 times better.

    The only way to be sure you don't have an ectopic is to have an ultrasound to rule it out, but it is very rare and unless you've had PID or some other STD or a history of problems with your uterus you should be fine. Once you are probably 12 weeks along, it would rupture because the tube is so small, usually it would rupture long before that but 12 weeks is the doctors' cutoff point where I have went in the past.

    Good luck, and don't worry! If it is an ectopic pregnancy, it has been and will be. It can't just move from being implanted in the uterus to moving to the fallopian tube or elsewhere.

  4. Well, with an ectopic pregnancy it has always been outside of your uterus. Most women usually find out between 6-8 weeks if they have an ectopic pregnancy. I have never had one, but when I was 8 my mom found at 11 weeks that she had an ectopic pregnancy. You more than likely will know if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, the pain is unbearable.

  5. An ectopic pregnancy is one which has implanted outside of the womb.  From the moment of implantation it is either ectopic or it is not. The location does not change.  

  6. By 8 weeks the Dr told me that you would be in such horrible pain you would know something was wrong or your tube would end up most likely bursting putting your life in danger.  

  7. I dont know the magic number but I had an ectopic pregnancy  at 9 weeks.  I did not even know I was pregnant.  My period still came and i had all the symptoms of my period.  I had severe pain and almost passed out and thats when I went to the hospital and found out I had an ectopic pregnancy.  I think you would know by now.

    Good Luck

  8. If it is in the tube then it would have ruptured and you would of noticed bleeding, even light bleeding and pain by 8-9 weeks. Well for most people. If it was outside the tubes and somewhere else it might take longer to know. I would say once you are around 11-12 weeks you are in the clear if you don't get any symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. Ask your doctor about it. But there is no real magic number because all women are different even with this.

    and by the way... Ectopic means it is just outside of the uterus, most of the time it is in the tube but sometimes it is in the abdomen, r****m, you get my point. I would really look it up or like I said ask your doctor.

  9. Well by 6-8 weeks you'd be in such horrible pain from the baby growing too big for the fallopian tube, that you'd absolutely know it.  Also a lot of doctors are doing ultrasound between the 7th and 9th weeks now to just check for fetal viability.  There's no way an ectopic pregnancy could make it to 10 weeks.  The fallopain tube would have burst causing horrific pain, miscarriage, bleeding and fertility problems.  It happens SO infrequently, you shouldn't worry.

  10. I'm not sure what the number is but I've heard that if you have an ectopic pregnancy that it's pretty painful and you'll know.   Do what I did..don't read all the doom and gloom stuff in books like "what to expect when you're expecting."   There are SO many things that can go wrong with a pregnancy but that are not likely to happen to you..and you really can't diagnose yourself. So see your doc if you are having a lot of pain or heavy bleeding...otherwise assume everything is normal. : )  My favorite pregnancy book, by the way is Your Pregnancy Week By Week by Glade B Curtis, MD and Judith Schuler, M.S.   --  It has a lot less "bad stuff" and it's interesting to read about the weekly changes you'll go through.

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