
How many weeks were you when you had your FIRST ultrasound? ?

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How many weeks were you when you had your FIRST ultrasound? ?




  1. I was 15 weeks.

    My 2nd was at 25 weeks.

    and still dont know the s*x yet.

    Im a high risk pregnancy and they do not do them more often.

    It really depends on the doctor and the insurance.

  2. 5 weeks.  I was bleeding for weeks so I had 3 ultrasounds already before 2.5 mos.

  3. First ultrasound was at 10 wks, second was at 19-20 weeks. This was with both of my kids!

    If you have a high-risk pregnancy, they will do them way more often!

  4. 4 weeks but they weren't sure if i had an ectopic pregnancy, my next one was five weeks (which ruled this out) and at my 6 weeks ultrasound they could see the heartbeat...thank god (i think i had all together at least ten ultrasounds during the course of my pregnancy ......i now have a healthy beautiful 4 month old baby girl!

  5. I was 9 weeks. Im not sure why they did one though...

  6. I was 8 weeks, 2 days for my first ultrasound.  

  7. 18 weeks

  8. I was 8 weeks when I had my first took us almost 2 years to conceive so they wanted to check to make sure everything was fine.  Then I had one at 12 weeks, only because they couldnt hear the heartbeat, and everything was fine, then I had one at 20 weeks and found out its a girl.  I hope I am done with those ultrasounds!!!

  9. My first U/S was at 13 weeks, when I met with my OB. He wanted to make sure that my due-date was right, and that the baby was growing properly. I found out I'm having a boy at 18 weeks.

  10. 4 weeks (too early to tell anything), then six weeks saw the heartbeat, then 10 1/2 weeks and actually saw a baby! lol

  11. I was 11 weeks along because I thought I was miscarrying. It was scary. The normal time you get them i think is around 18 weeks. Then I had a few more because I was low on amniotic fluid due to dehydration.  

  12. At my 8 week appointment, which was actually my first prenatal appointment. My baby looked like a lil peanut then.  

  13. With my son, I had one done at 8 weeks, at 17 weeks, at 25 and another at 34.

    I am pregnant with twins now and I had my first at 11 weeks and I will have one about every four weeks until the end.  I am pregnant with twins.

  14. 8 weeks and it's killing me I won't have another til 20 weeks.

  15. I was 6 weeks and 6 days... but it was an emergency procedure because I was bleeding.  Had I not bled, my first would have been at 20 weeks and 4 days.  

  16. 19 weeks.

    With a baby girl!

  17. My first pregnancy I was about 7 weeks, and they did the u/s to see how far along I was.  My second pregnancy was at 5 weeks 4 days at an ER visit because they thought I was miscarrying.  I had a follow up a week later, and my 20 week one yesterday.

  18. I was 10 weeks, but they only did an early one because I had some bleeding. They usually don't do them until around 18 weeks.

  19. 8 weeks at my first prenatal appointment

  20. 12 weeks. But I had to go to the ER for irregular heart beats in myself & they wanted to check & make sure baby was fine.

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